Start stockpiling these alternative medicines and natural remedies

( In a scenario where society has collapsed one of the first things that will disappear is medicine. Pharmacies will be raided, drug stores looted, and anything of medicinal or herbal value pilfered.

As such it will become vitally important to stockpile alternative medicines and natural remedies in advance, so that you have them in an emergency. The good news is, these items are not only easy to obtain but likely will remain in abundance since most people have no idea these medical alternatives exist.


In your emergency medical kit you need two kinds of antibiotics – the topical kind and the kind you ingest for bacterial infections. Topical antibiotic ointments can be stored for quite some time and as you know is most often used to keep cuts from getting infected.

Oral antibiotics present a different challenge, but not an insurmountable one. For example, animal antibiotics do not require a prescription and are the same as antibiotics for humans.

As noted by The Survivalist Blog, here are some common antibiotics that you will want in your medical kit and their veterinary equivalent [Note: is not an affiliate for any of these products; the links are provided for your convenience]:

— Amoxicillin 250mg AND 500mg (FISH-MOX, FISH-MOX FORTE)

— Ciprofloxacin 250mg and 500mg (FISH-FLOX, FISH-FLOX FORTE)

— Cephalexin 250mg and 500mg (FISH-FLEX, FISH-FLEX FORTE)

— Metronidazole 250mg (FISH-ZOLE)

— Doxycycline 100mg (BIRD-BIOTIC)

— Ampicillin 250mg and 500mg (FISH-CILLIN, FISH-CILLIN FORTE)

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— Clindamycin 300mg (FISH-CIN)

— Sulfamethoxazole 400mg/Trimethoprin 80mg (BIRD-SULFA)

— Azithromycin 250mg (AQUATIC AZITHROMYCIN)

“There are various others that you can choose, but the selections above will give you the opportunity to treat many illnesses and have enough variety so that even those with Penicillin allergies with have options,” The Survivalist Blog reported. “Cephalexin, although not in the same drug family as Penicillin, has been quoted as having a 10% cross-reactivity rate; that is, a person allergic to Penicillin will have a 10% chance of being allergic to Cephalexin.”

Don’t just willy-nilly start taking an antibiotic without first consulting a medical professional. If you won’t have one in your group, chances are good you won’t be able to find one, period, after stuff happens. So your best bet is to study up on antibiotic use, which antibiotics work best for which illnesses, and so on. This pharmacological site in New Zealand is a great resource; print it out and store with your gear.

Anti-virals and anti-inflamatories 

There are several compounds and spices that can help reduce damaging inflammation and can also serve in an anti-viral role.

— Green tea: As reported by NaturalNews, “Green tea contains polyphenols, micronutrients that work in the body to prevent certain disease mechanisms — such as inflammation — from happening. The main polyphenol in green tea is epigallocatechin gallate, or EGCG. Together, EGCG and the other polyphenols in green tea have anti-inflammatory and anticancer properties.”

In addition, green tea is also very helpful in reducing inflammation in the digestive tract. And it may even help with arthritis by reducing inflammation and slowing down cartilage destruction associated with the disease, research has shown.

— Aloe: This compound reduces inflammation and helps control pain and repair damaged skin. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, the anti-inflammatory effects of aloe gel are superior to 1 percent hydrocortisone cream. And aloe cream stores for a long time.

— Ginger: Ginger has been a popular spice and herbal medicine for thousands of years. It has a long history of use in Asian, Indian, and Arabic herbal traditions, the University of Maryland notes. “In China, for example, ginger has been used to help digestion and treat stomach upset, diarrhea, and nausea for more than 2,000 years. Ginger has also been used to help treat arthritis, colic, diarrhea, and heart conditions,” the university said.

— Pomegranate: Pomegranates contain flavonols, which are a type of antioxidant that appear to be especially helpful in reducing inflammation associated with osteoarthritis. “In that condition, inflammation contributes to the destruction of cartilage. Pomegranate seems to block the production of an enzyme associated with cartilage destruction,” NaturalNews reports.

— Zinc: “Zinc has been shown to be an effective treatment for the common cold in several double-blind, placebo-controlled trials. Both zinc acetate and zinc gluconate lozenges were found to reduce the duration and severity of cold symptoms,” the Institute for Optimum Nutrition reported. “Topical application of zinc has also been used to treat cold sores, which are caused by the herpes simplex virus.”

— Olive leaf: While olive oil has been a staple in the Mediterranean diet for quite some time, it’s not just restricted to improving cardiovascular health. “The leaves contain a bitter substance called oleuropein, one component of which, elenoic acid, has been identified as a potent inhibitor of a wide range of viruses in laboratory tests,” the institute noted.

In the meantime, it’s best to augment your current diet with supplements aimed at reducing inflammation and staving off common viruses and bacteria, so that your immune system gets a boost long before stuff hits the fan. is part of the USA Features Media network of sites.

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