Orlando terrorist who slaughtered innocents was paid by the U.S. government to distribute immigrants across U.S. cities

At this point, it should come as no surprise that a radical Islamist has ties to the United States government, and yet it never seems to get any less haunting when it is revealed that a terrorist was allowed to walk freely in America, armed to the teeth, despite setting off numerous red flags. Omar Mateen, the terrorist responsible for the Orlando nightclub shooting, has been revealed to have been employed by the U.S. branch of G4S — a British company that provides security services.

G4S revealed that Mateen had been working for them since 2007, meaning that he very well could have had advanced access to all sorts of weaponry. According to Zero Hodge, Mateen’s connections with G4S get even more frightening from there. They report that G4S has been bringing immigrants who have been labeled OTM (Other Than Mexican) across the border from Mexico and distributing them in Phoenix, Arizona without proper processing. Zero Hodge writes, “Outraged Border Patrol agents and supervisors on the front lines say illegal immigrants are being released in droves because there’s no room to keep them in detention.” How does this not appear like a blatant security threat? Why is the government just standing by while this happens? Why can’t the American people seem to get a straight answer from anyone anymore?

Considering that Marteen was investigated by the FBI multiple times in the past few years, it’s absolutely terrifying that nothing was done to prevent the Orlando massacre from happening. The shooter reportedly made “inflammatory comments to coworkers alleging possible terrorist ties.” How was this man allowed to obtain firearms after such an event?! If it walks like a terrorist and talks like a terrorist, it’s probably a terrorist!

Perhaps avoiding the toxic brand of political correctness that is sweeping this country could’ve prevented this lunatic from killing fifty innocent people — and injuring more than fifty more. The left has already attempted to blame the tragedy in Orlando on the NRA, Christians, the LGBT community, and everything else under the sun except for what actually caused it. It’s time that we as American citizens stand up against radical Islam and say, boldly and firmly, “No more.”





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