Most physicians refuse chemotherapy for themselves

As if undergoing chemotherapy wasn’t daunting enough, recent research has revealed that three out of four physicians and scientists would prefer to opt out of the devastating treatment.

Many people have become quite aware of the ill effects associated with chemotherapy, but part of why so many professionals in the field would refuse treatment is due to its poor success rate. Chemotherapy treatment only provokes a response or proves to be life-extending in about 2 to 4 percent of all cancers. Those odds aren’t very good, yet it remains on the primary lines of treatment.

Fortunately, the results of the survey have inspired the general public to begin to question what they are being sold by modern medicine. Many people are once again leaning towards traditional natural remedies that were used before the dawn of radiation, chemotherapy and pharmaceutical drugs that are peddled out by corrupt companies and doctors alike.

There are many reasons why chemotherapy is an ineffective treatment modality. For example, a 2007 study conducted by researchers from the United Kingdom’s Insitute for Cancer Research in Sutton, Surrey found that chemotherapy for primary cancers can cause lymphoma. The researchers stated in their conclusion that both radiation therapy and chemotherapy can cause single and double strand breaks to DNA. Breaks in these strands may not be repaired correctly, and this can cause cell abnormalities — and eventually cancer — to develop. In other words, the treatment causes the very disease it is being used to treat.

Chemotherapy doesn’t just cause cancer, it also kills off the good bacteria in your gut. Those little microbes living in your intestines are an integral part of your immune system and play a substantial role in overall health. Your gut houses roughly 70% of the cells that make up your immune system, so you can see where maintaining a healthy gut is really quite important to having a healthy immune system, too. By destroying your gut, chemotherapy also harms your immune system and ruins your body’s chances of fighting back against the cancer.

Toxic chemotherapy drugs often make patients so sick that they can barely eat. This leaves a person very weak and further degrades their body’s ability to fight and protect itself. This issue is compounded when chemotherapy is administered after surgery to remove cancerous tissue, which is a fairly common course of action. Can you imagine being infused with toxic chemicals days after major surgery, and then being unable to eat properly for weeks because the medicine makes you sick? How would you ever heal?

Unfortunately, many people do not get the opportunity to heal from their cancer.



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