Two MAJOR implications that our government is worried about a coming societal collapse

Collectively, the American people feel too safe. If you look at our nation today, it’s apparent that there’s no sense of urgency or fear of what’s to come. We’re all sitting ducks when it comes to societal disaster.

While it may seem appealing to live a life free of these fears, it’s dangerous to not be adequately prepared for a potential collapse on American soil. After all, it could be coming sooner than you’d like to believe.

During a speech he gave back in May, President Barack Obama stressed the importance of staying prepared to the American people. In the speech, President Obama claimed that “it is every citizen’s responsibility to be prepared for a disaster. And that means taking proactive steps, like having an evacuation plan, having a fully stocked disaster supply kit.”

Though he went on to clarify that his desire to keep the American people prepared was due to uncertain weather conditions, it’s always important to look deeper into political scenarios.

Furthermore, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has issued a warning about Washington, D.C. residents potentially having to evacuate the city. Now, it’s fair to say that maybe the federal government is just being safe here. After all, prepping has become increasingly popular over the past decade or so, but these two events coming together in this way is suspicious to say the least.

As every good prepper knows, when you see a red flag, you better prepare for the worst. So are you prepared? If you’re not, there are a few vital steps you must take in order to ensure your safety in a survival setting.

Most importantly, you must have the adequate supplies on hand. Food that won’t immediately expire and reliable tools are of the utmost importance. Like President Obama claimed in his speech, having an evacuation plan is also necessary, as you never know what kind of attack or disaster you may face.

Consider this very, very carefully. Would you rather be safe or sorry?



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