Entitlement liberals whine about common sense limitations on food stamps in Maine

If there is one thing that the perpetually grumpy liberals love, it’s free government handouts. These people will stop at nothing to collect free things from the government, which is precisely how the Bernie Sanders campaign amassed such a large number of supporters. Lazy liberals want everyone else to pay for their necessities – as well as things like cellphones – and when us hardworking Americans express our disdain for such a system, they inexplicably label us as racist bigots.

It comes as great news that Maine Governor Paul LePage has been fighting to put new restrictions on welfare programs in his state. Though such a battle seems to be far too rare in 2016, at least some politicians are still fighting the good fight. Of course, by combating this absurdity, LePage has found himself under fire from the lazy, entitled liberals who insist on living off of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).

This doesn’t come as much of a surprise, considering just how protective the Regressive Left is of their big government programs that serve no purpose other than to leech money out of the pockets of actual hard-working Americans. They don’t seem to understand just how much damage they are doing to society as a whole. By taking advantage of these welfare systems that shouldn’t have been enacted in the first place, they are keeping those who actually contribute to society from being able to live their lives freely.

Robin Kinderman of The New American writes, “The American Dream used to consist of the freedom to get ahead by working hard, and it was dreamed by hard-working individuals who wanted to prosper and rise above the rest. It wasn’t about enabling a bunch of overweight 30-somethings to sit on their butts and eat pints of ice cream.”

It’s hard to sum it up much better than that. One of the biggest issues facing modern American society is the influx of self-entitled brats on all ends of the spectrum that don’t see any problem with being completely dependent on the government. This is a huge problem that has contributed to an economy in desperate need of fixing its health issues.

We need a lot more people like Governor LePage in office, and a lot less people that are going to raise our taxes and continue to enable the ridiculous welfare programs that have left numerous communities in our nation in shambles.





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