Organic survival food co-developed by the Health Ranger makes WISE, and other brands obsolete

If there is anything we have learned over the course of human history, it’s that we need to be prepared for the worst. Between world wars, natural disasters and maniacal acts of terrorism, there is very little standing between us and total chaos. When it all comes crashing down around us, there are a number of things we will need in order to ensure our survival during a full-fledged societal collapse. Next to weaponry, shelter and clean water, a large stockpile of food is one of the necessities.

But the food that many people have stocked up on for apocalyptic events is not worth keeping — in fact, much of it is absolutely loaded with pesticides. So even if you do manage to survive the initial collapse, there is a good chance that the genetically modified foods in your stockpiling with drastically shorten the span of your life.

The Health Ranger Mike Adams of Natural News writes, “If you have storable food or survival food meals, check the ingredients label right now and see what you bought. In about 90% of the foods commonly sold today, you’ll find loads of GMOs, MSG, pesticides and herbicides. It’s not exactly the kind of nutrition that promotes surviving a collapse, is it?”

He’s absolutely right here. If you’re trying to ensure that you stay alive, eating food that has extremely negative effects on the human body is a terrible idea. Thankfully, there are organic options when it comes to storable food. Products like Numanna Organic offer an organic alternative to the garbage that is currently occupying store shelves — and possibly your own pantry.

With each passing day, it seems more and more likely that we will need to have plenty of supplies. Thanks to the growing animosity between the United States and places like Russia, Syria, Saudi Arabia and China amongst others, it appears as though World War III could very well be on the horizon. We should all be paying close attention to this and make sure we are adequately prepared.

Similarly, the American people need to do a much better job of taking care of their bodies. We shovel unhealthy, unnatural foods into our mouths and expect there to be no negative repercussions. Making sure that we are healthy is one of the most important things that we can do. Our lives literally depend on it. So perhaps it’s time that we all start taking a closer look at the labels on our food and make sure that we select the organic options.



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