ISIS is already in the United States, ready to attack

I’m sure most have not forgotten about the terrible terrorist attacks that were carried out by the Islamic State in Paris just over a year ago. ISIS was responsible for taking the lives of 129 innocent people, and injuring 352 others. Just days later, Barack Obama delivered a press conference addressing the attack, where he made some of the most anti-American comments of his entire presidency. “What I’m not interested in doing is posing or pursuing some notion of American leadership or America winning or whatever other slogans they come up with that has no relationship to what is actually going to work to protect the American people,” Obama declared. “I’m too busy for that.”

Too busy to demonstrate American leadership to the rest of the world? Too busy to do what nearly every other American president has done for almost two and a half centuries? Really?

I don’t believe it’s a stretch to say that Barack Obama was a rather weak and timid commander-in-chief, who time and time again failed to do what needed to be done. For example, he was consistently against putting American boots on the ground, even though I believe, as many others do, that it was and still is necessary. Barack Obama was vehemently opposed to the use of enhanced interrogation, even though it’s an effective tool that is used to extract vital information from terrorists. U.S. military pilots who spent time fighting ISIS in Iraq have said that Barack Obama denied them permission to engage terror targets 75% of the time.

But a weak foreign policy was only half of Obama’s problem. The other half was rooted in his anti-American, anti-leadership mentality. If you are the leader of the free world, and you believe strongly that America’s role is not to stand up strong but rather to sit down, then of course your foreign policy decisions are going to effect that. History has shown that when America leads, the world is a much safer, brighter place. Unfortunately, Barack Obama’s disastrous presidency and failure as commander-in-chief has dragged our world deeper into the darkness.

After years of attacks both overseas and on our own soil, the United States military and law enforcement organizations say that they don’t expect these attacks to let up. One U.S. defense official said, “We think that transnational terrorist attacks, in the near term, will probably remain steady. The group has been able to build a robust and redundant apparatus for conducting transnational terrorist attacks.”

The defense official went on to say that militant Islamists most likely have radicalized fighters dug in all over the world, waiting to carry out attacks.

“They have a lot of people in place already that are sympathizers around the world,” he explained. “We think they will be able to continue to be able to produce at least a constant level of propaganda, which underpins a lot of the ideology in Europe and elsewhere.” (RELATED: Read about how ISIS is now at war with America, and how our politically correct culture led us to this point.)

In Europe, the threat of radical Islam is no less significant. Kristian Bartholin, who is the head of counterterrorism at the Council of Europe, noted that “due to the current high alert levels, it is difficult for terrorists to operate in traditional cell structures; hence, we see more ‘lone wolf’ attacks.”

To a large extent, all of this is the result of eight years of America sitting on the bench under the leadership of Barack Obama. America leading is not just something that sounds like it would make a good bumper sticker; this is reality. We are an extremely powerful country, but to quote the uncle of a famous superhero, with great power comes great responsibility.

The world needs us. It’s time to stand and fight.


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