Are you ready for the “global economic reset”?

The globalist agenda is in full swing now, according to Brandon Smith at Smith outlines the implementation of a “global economic reset” he says is currently taking place and which is designed to bring about the “destabilization and reformation of America” and the “removal of the U.S. dollar as the de facto world reserve currency.”

It’s all part of the push towards “global governance” by those who are behind what’s commonly referred to as the New World Order.

Through his interpretation of the true meaning of statements by Christine Lagarde, head of the IMF, for example, Smith summarizes the globalist philosophy thusly:

“Due to the forced interdependency of globalism, crisis in one country could cause a domino effect of crisis in other countries; therefore, all countries and their economic behavior must be managed by a central authority to prevent blundering governments or ‘rogue central banks’ from upsetting the balance.”

For the globalists to achieve their goals requires the United States to lose its economic and political clout on the world stage.

Through quantitative easing schemes, bailouts and the manipulation of interest rates, the seriously ailing US economy has been kept artificially alive, but the “pillars” that have been holding up what’s left of it are now coming tumbling down – including the status of the dollar as a world currency reserve.


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