The top 25 ways to help you survive what’s coming to America

( Maybe you’ve noticed in recent months that things around the world are not so stable. In fact, some pretty crazy things are going on.

Financial markets are beginning to implode, violent crime in our cities is rising dramatically, war in the Middle East continues to rage, Islamic terror has once again found its way to America and the West, there is chaos along our southwestern border, armed groups are taking over government property in protest of unfair treatment and Washington is mired in partisan gridlock. Maybe believe that 2016 may be the most tumultuous year in decades, filled with rising instances of civil disorder and economic catastrophe.

All it will take for events to spiral out of control is some sort of “trigger” event that may not yet even be on anyone’s radar: Perhaps another 9/11-type of event or mass terrorist murder; an EMP blast; a new collapse of Wall Street. Are you ready for it?

Here are 25 things you should do or consider, in order to survive what may be on its way to America and much of the civilized world:

  1. Don’t get rid of all your cash. Some “experts” argue that you should because it won’t be worth anything. That may be true in the long run, but not in the short term; you’ll need cash to pay bills and acquire goods while it is still worth something. At present more than 60 percent of Americans are already living paycheck to paycheck; millions will be hurt immediately once they lose jobs at the beginning of the crisis.
  1. Get to know your neighbors. In the coming crisis you will need people around whom you can trust.
  1. Learn to grow food. Food prices will rise dramatically in a crisis situation – if it can be found at all.
  1. Speaking of food (and water), have you started stockpiling these items yet? If not, get started.
  1. Get a bugout plan together. You may not have to or even want to bugout initially, but eventually you may find that is your best chance for survival. You’ll want to have a plan in place (with backup plans). Make sure every family member has a bugout bag of their own.
  1. If you have planned to “strategically relocate” before stuff gets back you probably should have already done so. If not, time is a-wasting. Figure out where it is you want to go and begin implementing a plan to get there.
  1. Get to know where America’s death zones are and make sure you avoid them.
  1. Never let the gas tanks in your cars get below a half-a-tank. Also, with gasoline getting so cheap again, now’s the time to buy it in bulk and store some in your garage, for your cars, sure, but also for a generator if you have one (and you should).
  1. Think about what kinds of medicines you may still need to stockpile and begin getting those together. Make sure to include your family members.
  1. When the cash becomes worthless barter economies will emerge. Get together some bartering items; consider small, half-pint containers of liquor, disposable lighters, food items, and so forth.
  1. There are some non-electric versions of some appliances, like washing machines and coffee makers.
  1. Cooking food will become much more difficult without electricity (as will virtually every other aspect of your life). Consider an extra gas tank for that gas grill, but also other kinds of stoves, like a sun oven.
  1. Don’t keep all of your cash in the bank; make sure you have some at home where you can readily access it for when the ATM’s no longer work or are empty.
  1. Work on getting out of debt, because those who have less of it or none at all will be in much better shape right off the bat. Don’t jeopardize your other preparations, though.
  1. Gold and silver will become much more valuable when the collapse comes. In the meantime, if you’re going to invest in it, understand that it will have its ups and downs on the market; don’t let that spook you. You’re not “investing” for the long haul, you’re buying a finite physical amount for a specific purpose.
  1. Start downsizing your life now so that it’ll be less of a shock for when you won’t have much choice. Learn to do more with less.
  1. Do you have a skill that you can market? Consider starting a side business so that when the employment sectors fail you can still earn a living.
  1. Where will you get fresh water in an emergency? Secure a source now, because you can go without food much longer than water.
  1. Speaking of food – do you have a backup plan for when your food stores run out? This is where neighbors can be helpful. Pooling of resources can make them all last longer, and there is strength in numbers when it comes to foraging for more.
  1. If you have pets, don’t forget to plan for them, too, as in, food and water. A good dog will warn you of intruders and help protect your home, but a hungry, thirsty dog will run off.
  1. Stock up on card games, board games and other forms of entertainment. If the electric grid falters, you’re going to get bored pretty quickly and that will become agonizing.
  1. Keep your plans to yourself, and especially your prepping. If you share with neighbors, at first be vague so as not to give away too much information until you can better trust them.
  1. Have a backup plan, always.
  1. Test your gear and become an expert with it.
  1. Practice your survival skills often. If you’re bored on a weekend, go out to the woods and practice building a shelter, starting a fire or learning cover and concealment, among other skills.

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[H/T: End of the American Dream]

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