01/20/2016 / By usafeaturesmedia
(Homesteading.news) Winter has arrived, and with it inclement weather in a large part of the country. As you know, winter came make even routine chores more difficult, and that includes tending to your animal herds.
If you’re considering getting some dogs to help you with that, or just looking for some companionship while you tend to your duties, there are certain breeds of dog that endure the winter weather very well, and won’t need the warmth of your home to survive (or even a doggie sweater).
Here are 10 breeds that can handle the coldest months in the hardest climates and still do the jobs you need them to do:
- Samoyed: This fluffy white breed can pull a sled and help you tend your herd. They are gentle, very adaptable and friendly. Click here to learn more about them.
- Chow Chow: Another fluffy dog that looks like it has a lion’s mane, Chow Chow’s are known for their proud, independent spirit that some have even described as cat-like. These dogs aren’t cuddle buddies and can be suspicious of strangers, but for the right person they can be very loyal. Learn more here.
- Akita: Originally bred in the harsh mountains of Japan, this large breed is a real cold-weather companion. They are powerful, independent and dominant – aloof from strangers but loyal to family. Check them out here.
- Estrela Mountain Dog: This breed is one of the best for homesteaders. They’re great herd guard dogs and can really handle the cold. They were born and bred in the Estrela Mountains of Portugal. Read about them here.
- Great Pyrenees: This white gentle giant loves to spend time with family, but they also make great homesteading dogs, especially if you have a large property. They, too, make great livestock dogs. Click here to check them out.
- Newfoundland: These giant fur balls actually love to play in snow, and while there are better guard dogs, this breed is friendly and loyal, and otherwise very hard-working. Learn more about them here.
- Leonberger: This gentle giant has a double coat and that makes this breed ideal for cold weather. Plus, they are playful, friendly and gentle – a plus if you have kids. Get to know more about them here.
- St. Bernard: These gentle giants really are a great breed of working dog, born and bred for Alpine rescue and for working livestock. Check them out here.
- American Eskimo: These medium-sized pups are really good farm dogs – and great at tricks! Hint: They didn’t really come from America, though. See more about them here.
- Tibetan Mastiff: Another massively huge dog, this breed is ideally suited for cold weather and fending off predators like wolves and even bears. Learn more here.
[H/T: Pioneer Settler] [Images: Wikimedia Commons]
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