How to bugout and not leave a trail

( When it finally happens – that society-ending chaos and collapse, perhaps triggered by a financial meltdown, civil war or maybe an EMP type of event – it will come as a thief in the night, like the Bible says. Will you be ready?

If you’re serious about prepping and survival and you live in an urban/suburban environment like the majority of Americans, you know that trouble won’t be far behind when the collapse comes. That said, you’ve already 1) gotten your bugout bag and supplies together and assembled in an easy-to-access place; 2) have developed Plan A, B and C for bugout locations; and 3) have practiced getting to these locations.

Now that the time has come, you’re not going to waste any time. But you’ll need to disappear, so to speak, while making sure that you’re not followed. Had you thought of that?

You need to, because the situation will become dire enough without having to worry about someone – or some group – bearing down on you and taking you by surprise.

As for the actual bugout process, it’s best to use one of these three methods: 2-wheel transportation for roads; an ATV for off-road; on foot through brush and off-trail paths. Regardless of what motorized transportation you use to make your way to your bugout location, understand that at some point you’re likely to have to ditch your transportation and set out on the remainder of your journey on foot. It will then become vital that you don’t leave tracks for someone to follow.

What you’ll essentially be doing is using “escape and evasion” tactics that are taught in the military, but which men and women have been utilizing since the dawn of time. Prioritize these things: What you’ll take with you; where you’re actually going; and your method of movement.

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When moving, consider that you need to know where you’re going before actually setting out. We know – that sounds rather obvious. But consider that to avoid detection you may not want to walk or ride directly to your camp or bugout site; taking an indirect path – doubling back, walking in the opposite direction for a while, etc. – will help confuse any but the most seasoned trackers.

Think of these techniques as well:

— Evasion: This is moving with the purpose of confusing or otherwise throwing off anyone who is on your trail; how you do that is up to you. Like mentioned above, double back; travel in circles for a bit; hide your trail by walking through creeks or traveling through rocks, etc.

— Cover your tracks: Use a tree branch to cover any tracks you may leave, even in the brush.

— Avoid trails: It is tempting to want to take the “easy” way, especially if you’re weighted down with bugout gear – and you may be able to if there are already a lot of tracks on the trail you’re taking (just remember that the soles of your boots/shoes may be unique, however). But the easy way also makes you “easy” to find, so just remember that. Walking through brush and off-the-trail is harder but the chances that you’re going to be followed by an experienced tracker are remote.

— Don’t dawdle: When moving, move quickly and with a purpose. Slow-moving people can become prey rather quickly.

— Stay alert:When moving, stop every so often and just listen – and look around. And smell (smoke, wisps of perfume or food, etc., will mean people are close by). You will make noise moving through the underbrush but so will other people. In the “wild,” voices carry. Before you move across open terrain, spend several minutes at the edge of the tree line before moving into the open (binoculars will become your friend very quickly). When you do decide to move, again, do so quickly and with a purpose.

Before the end of the world happens and you actually have to move from Point A to Point B, you may consider taking a survival course. These are fun, last just a few days and are usually taught by people who will help you think of things you might otherwise not have.

[H/T: Prepper’s Will] is part of the USA Features Media network of sites. For advertising opportunities, click here.

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