Document hidden by Big Pharma proves Vaccines have caused sudden death before

An Italian court has revealed a previously-classified 1,271-page document by the British drug company, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) that confirms many dangerous side effects of certain vaccine combinations. The document discloses several vaccine combinations that were known to cause sudden death, and also inadvertently uncovers the sordid truth about the nature of Big Pharma. They do not care about hurting people if it means they can make money. GSK knew about the potential dangers of these vaccines — which are given to children — and obscured the truth behind a stack of official safety reports.

In the document, the vaccines Infanrix Hexa by GSK and Prevenar 13 by Pfizer are specifically mentioned. Infanrix Hexa is a combined diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis, hepatitis B, inactivated poliomyelitis and haemophilus influenza type B vaccine that has previously come under fire. Vaccine Choice Canada reports that GSK admitted on page 11 of their 2008 monograph that, “Extremely rare cases of Sudden Unexpected Death (SUD) [usually named SIDS] in close temporal association to vaccination with INFANRIX hexa™ have been reported in the first year of life.” However, the organization also reports that there were 36 infant deaths between October 23, 2009 and October 22, 2011. The majority of infant deaths related to the vaccine occurred within just three days after the shot had been administered.

The document, revealed by Italian courts, indicates that the data GSK presented — which suggested that the dozens of infant deaths occurring post-vaccination were actually unrelated to the Infanrix vaccine — was being misrepresented. The very same data actually indicates that the vaccine was related to the deaths of these poor children, when time of occurrence is actually taken into account.

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How did GSK manage to mask this devastating trend? By manipulating the average of days at which death occurred. By taking all of the deaths that occurred within ten days and averaging them together with the deaths that occurred quite a bit of time after vaccination, the company was able to make it seem as though most deaths were not occurring so closely to the time of vaccination. Natural News reports:

Table 36 in the GlaxoSmithKline Biological Clinical Safety and Pharmacovigilance report to Regulatory Authority shows that nearly all of the 67 reported deaths following Infanrix Hexa administration occurred within the first 10 days. Only two of these reported deaths occurred after 10 days, and yet GSK reported them all together as transpiring sporadically across the entire 20-day period, insinuating that they were merely coincidental.

A closer look at the document reveals that a shocking 90% of the deaths happened within five days of the shot. Even more alarming is the fact that about 75% occurred within just three days. Is it too much to ask for GSK to be held legally and financially responsible for withholding valuable public information that could save lives? Probably.



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