07/06/2016 / By usafeaturesmedia
(Bugout.news) It’s not something most preppers think about but it’s something all should have a good supply of: Honey.
Honey is one of nature’s most amazing gifts. It’s a substance which offers dozens of useful and health-boosting properties aside from its wonderful, sweet flavor. All serious preppers should make sure to obtain a sizable quantity of raw, natural honey to add to their survival stockpiles.
It’s one of the few foods that has an unlimited shelf life; honey will never go bad due to its antibacterial properties, which are also part of what makes it so healthy. Considering its versatility in the kitchen, along with its medicinal value, honey is likely to prove to be an extremely valuable commodity to have on hand during a long-term survival situation.
One of the key things to remember when obtaining a quantity of honey is to make sure it is natural and unpasteurized. Most of the honey you’ll see on the shelf at the grocery store has been pasteurized, which robs it of many of its healthful properties.
“Commercial honey has also had most of the pollen removed. Bee pollen is considered to be one of the most nutritionally-complete foods available because of its high amino acid and antioxidant content. Most commercial honey sold in stores is heated to high temperatures and pasteurized, getting rid of most of the beneficial enzymes, antioxidants and other nutrients that are heat-sensitive,” reports All Self Sustained on its website.
Beware of commercial honey
Much of the honey on the commercial market – as much as 76 percent, according to one independent researcher – has been ultra-filtered and contains no pollen at all.
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This pseudo-honey is not only devoid of any healthful properties, but it may also contain pesticides, along with other toxins.
As reported by Canada’s The Organic Prepper:
“Ultrafiltering removes the pollen so that the source of the honey cannot be determined. Providers of cheap honey do this so that consumers cannot discover the origin. Often the cheap honey is tainted with pesticides, illegal antibiotics, and heavy metals. Some of the cheap honey is watered down with High Fructose Corn Syrup. Much of the questionable honey originates in China.”
The best way to obtain raw honey is to find a local supplier that you can trust. Buy your honey directly from a beekeeper if possible, or from a farmer’s market.
Health and nutritional benefits of raw, unfiltered honey
Honey is considered to be “one of the most healing substances on earth.” It’s been used for thousands of years to treat a wide range of ailments and conditions, both internal and external. It has antiviral, anti-fungal and antibacterial properties.
Among the myriad uses and benefits of honey:
Topical applications: Use honey on wounds, sunburn, rashes, acne or for almost any skin problem. Honey promotes fast healing and helps prevent scarring.
Internal health: Honey is useful in fighting sore throats, allergies, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, indigestion and more. It also promotes a healthy immune system.
Nutritional value: A true superfood, honey contains numerous vitamins and minerals. It’s also an antioxidant and a great source of concentrated energy.
As with many natural remedies, health-promoting honey has been replaced by a range of other products and medicines that provide only questionable effectiveness.
And honey itself has been stripped of its healthy benefits through filtering and pasteurization. It’s almost as if someone doesn’t want us to have access to natural remedies that boost health and prevent disease.
The pharmaceutical industry doesn’t make any profits from natural remedies, so perhaps it’s no surprise that raw, unfiltered honey has become a scarce commodity.
At any rate, it is still possible to obtain the real thing and I recommend that everyone should do so. Natural honey offers an impressive number of valuable benefits – not only for survival in a SHTF scenario, but in everyday life as well.
By Daniel Barker, Natural News.
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