Check out these powerful, tasty fall foods for your health

( Get ready for the autumn harvest everyone. Listed below are some delicious, mouth-watering superfoods that the mouth will crave long before that first bite. Foods such as apples, cranberries and carrots are not just delicious to eat but healthy too. Squash, sweet potatoes and beets serve as a way to cleanse the blood and purify the body; not to mention, they can be pretty tasty too.


Squash contains complex carbohydrates and works great in a salad or as an addition to a sandwich. It’s a great source for fiber and beta carotene. Pumpkin has some great attributes too. Pumpkin is one good source of carbohydrates that work to regulate blood sugar. The pumpkin seeds are an excellent source of zinc and protein. Interested in a special tip? Well, cut up the pumpkin into small pieces and add in some salt and olive oil. Once that is done, bake at 350° F until the pumpkin is slightly brown. If you are interested, there is a blog post coming out soon entitled “14 Ways to Enjoy Pumpkin.”


They are high in vitamins C and B6 and beta carotene. Having vitamin A in the body will help to maintain the health of the skin, hair and the immune system.


Apples are one of America’s favorite fruits.

There is an old saying that “an apple a day keep the doctor away.” This is so true, especially when it comes to the organic ones; they are usually a whole lot fresher and better tasting. Eating apples, especially organic ones, has been known to help fibromyalgia suffers.

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Cranberries were first used to help treat urinary tract infections.

Ingesting cranberries or cranberry juice will help prevent E. coli bacteria from sticking to the walls of your urinary tract. The cranberry juice has to be the real deal, not the juice that is sold in the store, which is laced with copious amounts of sugar. Eating cranberries and drinking cranberry juice will help flush out any toxins or debris that may be hiding in the body.

Carrots offer so much when eaten.

Not only do they make a great snack, but one raw carrot can offer up to 13,500 IU of vitamin A. This means that it contains a lot of free radicals to help fight against cell damage. Eating two carrots each day could reduce cholesterol levels by as much as 20%. Being that they are a great cancer-fighting agent, beets offer a lot of health benefits. Beets are rich in potassium and are great for cleaning out the liver.

The various fruits and vegetables offer a way to eat healthy and fight infection all at the same time. These are the perfect autumn foods for either on the go or in a small meal.

Sources for this article include:

About the author:
Dr. Sofiya has written articles on most health-related topics, including traditional medicine, alternative and naturopathic and natural treatments,health insurance, wellness, medical marijuana, diets and fitness.

Ranger Bucket - Organic Emergency Storable Food Supply (300 x 250)


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