09/21/2016 / By usafeaturesmedia
(Bugout.news) Millions of American and coalition troops who deployed to the Iraq and Afghanistan theaters of war were told they were being sent over there so that the war on terror would not be fought over here, on our own streets. But thanks to the liberal immigration policies implemented by President Obama, Americans are now going to get to experience the war on terror first hand.
This past weekend’s IED – improvised explosive device – attacks in New York City, like the bombing at the Boston Marathon in 2013 – are exactly the kinds of attacks U.S. troops have been dealing with for more than a decade overseas. Now, they are becoming a regular aspect of our lives in our own cities.
It’s pretty obvious why our terrorist enemies use IEDs to indiscriminately attack American civilians: The shock (terrorism) value is immeasurable. The objective is to sow fear and create so much uncertainty that life as we have known it will simply vanish and be replaced by the kind of militaristic police state that, unbelievably, some pundits are already calling for.
Emergency medical training, barricading in place and learning how to be on the lookout for potential IEDs are good ideas, of course, but none of this will not stop the onslaught of terrorism against the kind of soft targets our enemies are preparing to strike. Only cutting off immigration from these troubled areas is the most effective policy for reducing the number of attacks.
Bleeding hearts in America and Europe don’t want to hear that because for some misguided reason, they have a vision of the world that is neither accurate or sensible. It is difficult to imagine how someone can witness explosions, mass shootings and the use of a truck to murder scores of partiers in France – all by self-professed Islamic extremists – and not conclude that the best policy moving forward is to deny people from certain parts of the world access to our citizenry. But liberals do it every day.
Then you have people like Barack Obama, George Soros and Hillary Clinton, admittedly not stupid people, who are all in favor not only of allowing people into our country from parts of the world that breed terrorism, but doubling down on the numbers. Soros just announced at the UN that he will spend $500 million of his fortune on “immigrant” and “refugee” causes. That’s code for expending $500 million to create more chaos and sow more discontent.
None of the death and destruction that is occurring to other people is being visited upon the power elite who are making these decisions based on political ideology and a desire to sow discontent because it enhances their power base. That needs to change. If the elites who do their best to remain above the fray are targeted by IEDs, pipe bombs and lunatic jihadists with guns, you can bet your last dollar that immigrant/migrant policies towards the importation of potential terrorists would come to a screeching halt. After all, we can’t have the masters of the universe subjected to the dangers they visit upon everyday schmoes and skirts.
But until then, we should expect more of the same kind of attacks that took place in NYC, New Jersey, Boston and elsewhere. We should expect more mass shootings by ISIS fanatics like those that took place in San Bernardino and Orlando. And we should expect Obama, Soros and Clinton to continue to deny that these attacks have anything at all to do with a certain religion, even though the rest of us can see that big, fat 900-pound gorilla standing in the middle of the room.
Soon, thanks to Obama’s importation of terrorism, IED attacks are going to be as common in American cities as they are in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan.
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Tagged Under: IEDs, terrorism, U.S. cities