Wake Up: We are one step closer to WW3

For those of us who are enlightened to the unflattering and, frankly, frightening events that are taking place behind the scenes all over the globe, it can be extremely frustrating that the average American is ignorant to the truth when it comes to the inevitable collapse of society that we are sure to face in the coming years.

While that may sound like a conspiracy theory on the surface, when you actually analyze everything that is going wrong in the world today, it seems more and more likely that it is all bound to come to an end in the very near future. When you look at the political climate, the amount of radical Islamic terrorism in the world and the growing tensions between the United States and Russia, it becomes clear that, whether we like it or not, World War III is on the horizon.

Claire Bernish of The Free Thought Project writes, “Months of disquieting and needless escalation between the United States and Russia over Syria and the Asia-Pacific theater quickened feverishly to near outright hostility over the past 48 hours, and — considering semantics from both ends suggestive of antebellum blame-casting — it’s past time to pay attention.”

She is absolutely right. Even though the American people have a tendency to dismiss serious events in order to make themselves feel better about impending doom, there’s no denying that there are serious problems facing the globe today — and the consequences are deadly for all of us. Because let’s face it, if nuclear war occurs, the entire world will be destroyed in the process. The technologies are so advanced that once it begins, the only way to end it is by destroying mankind as a whole.

Sadly, that appears to be the direction we’re headed. Russia doesn’t seem to be giving an inch and America isn’t doing too well these days either. The inevitable seems to be World War III and when that day comes, we all have to be prepared for the absolute worst, because that is precisely what this nuclear war will be.

Stocking up on the necessary supplies — food, water, shelter and forms of protection — is absolutely vital to survive this type of event. It’s also a good time to put the Second Amendment to good use. You never know when having a firearm could come in handy and if an invasion occurs, you’ll be hoping for one.





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