Censored.news launched: Near-real-time breaking news headlines from Breitbart, Infowars, NaturalNews, Zero Hedge, Activist Post, Daily Sheeple and more

SHARE EVERYWHERE: The Censored.news beta is now live, delivering a super clean, ad-free interface that brings you (near) real-time news headlines from the top independent news websites currently being targeted for censorship by the globalist regime of fascist info-monopolists and corporate journo-terrorists.

Go to Censored.news right now to see it. It’s also mobile friendly and refreshed many times throughout the day. Because it’s in beta, you may experience glitches from time to time.

The purpose of Censored.news is to connect freedom-loving citizens of the world to the most important independent sources of news on the internet today. More sources are being added soon.

Find all the censored news (REAL news) in one place

As one of the tech pioneers in independent media publishing, I launched this site as a public service to help make sure that informed citizens of the world have a portal to find all the censored news that’s being blacklisted at Fakebook, Google News, Twitter and other internet gatekeepers (all of which are beholden to the NSA and the deep state).

More publishing sites will be added to Censored.news throughout 2017, including SHTFplan.com, SGTreport.com, The Anti Media, Alt Market and many others. To be considered for inclusion on Censored.news, publishers must meet three criteria:

1) They must be engaged in independent journalism and not beholden to government or corporate interests.

2) They must be targeted for censorship.

3) They must publish content that seeks to set people free rather than enslave them.

My aim is to help independent journalism continue to rapidly expand while the old media collapses from its own self-induced “fake news” epidemic. CNN, WashPost, NYT, MSNBC and USA Today are all extinct. They have zero credibility remaining. No informed person believes anything that appears in the fakestream media anymore.

Instead, people are turning to independent media in record numbers. To try to destroy the independent media, Google, Facebook and other internet gatekeepers are engaging in communist-style (red China) censorship of those sites, in exactly the same way the Chinese government censors websites about Falun Gong.

We will not let the communist-style censorship succeed in silencing the real voices of reason and truth in the western world. Censored.news connects you with the real patriots, visionaries and revolutionaries of our time.

It’s easy to remember, too: If you want to read the censored news, just go to Censored.news.

Censored.news joins GoodGopher.com – the anonymous search engine for independent media

Last year, I launched GoodGopher.com, the anonymous search engine for independent media. Updated daily, GoodGopher.com allows you to search for censored news stories across thousands of censored websites and blogs. It also doesn’t track your searches or record your search history.

Use both Censored.news and GoodGopher.com to stay informed as globalist-funded journo-terrorists try and fail to maintain a stranglehold on information. Remember: Everything you read in the Washington Post is bulls##t. Get the real story on unfolding events at Censored.news or GoodGopher.com.

Information wants to be free. And people like us are willing to help promote and defend that freedom at all costs.

Prayers and blessings to Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, G. Edward Griffin, Aaron Swartz (murdered by the deep state in 2013), Andrew Breitbart (murdered by the Obama regime in 2012) and all the other champions of truth and transparency. In an age of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

Welcome to the revolution.

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