Federal agency to investigate cause of 30 whale deaths in Alaska


Something smells fishy in Alaskan waters, and its not just the fish. Experts are bamboozled by at least 30 whale carcasses that have washed up on the coast of Alaska since May. A federal agency announced last Thursday that it will launch a thorough investigation into the cause of the whale deaths.(1)

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) declared the whale deaths as an “unusual mortality event.” Scientists from the agency are very concerned about the whale deaths. The current mortality rates of whales are three times higher than the historical average for the area.(2)

The leading hypothesis was that noxious algal poison was the cause of the whale deaths. A gigantic patch of warm water in the Pacific Ocean known as “the blob” has given rise to an unprecedented bloom of algae. Tests taken by the agency have ruled out a link between algal blooms and the surge in whale mortality rates.(3)

Officials acknowledge that the blob may be responsible for the whale deaths but fail to acknowledge a possible cause for the blob. One explanation is the decay of radioactive waste from the Fukushima power plant, which has been leaking into the Pacific Ocean for the past four years. The radiation could be gradually cooking the ocean, which could explain the increase in algal blooms.

Radiation from Fukushima migrated to the West Coast in 2013 and is expected to peak by the end of this year. The blob, coincidentally, was discovered in 2013. Nevertheless, the mainstream media and federal government have been suspiciously quiet in linking the two events.(4)

Although the NOAA claims that it is launching a thorough investigation into the whale deaths, don’t hold your breath. Investigators are trying to underplay the severity of the Fukushima disaster in order to mitigate fears on the West Coast. “So far there is no ‘smoking gun’ in this environmental mystery,” the NOAA’s Dr. Teri Rowles said.(1)

Sources include:

(1) TheGuardian.com

(2) FoxNews.com

(3) NaturalNews.com

(4) CSMonitor.com