When Medicare computer systems fail, the medication supply across America will implode


The abstract world of cyberspace has given hackers a new means to wage war on the masses. As more and more people are becoming dependent upon medicare, a cyber attack could create a glitch in the Medicare system, which would prevent millions of people from obtaining their medication.

The fact that computer hackers can disrupt the established medical order has already been realized. Back in February of 2015, hackers penetrated Anthem’s IT system, which is the nation’s second largest health care provider.(1)

The health insurance company alerted approximately 80 million members that hackers may have gained accessed to their social security numbers, medical ID numbers, income information, name and physical address. The debacle was one of the biggest data breaches ever reported.(1)

If a similar cyber attack were to happen on medicare, the results would be devastating. In the event of a cyber attack, the medicaid system would go down, which would prevent millions of elderly citizens from obtaining the medications they desperately need.(2)

Pharmacists would advise patients to come back at a later date, with no guarantee that the system would be back up and running. These events aren’t rare or isolated. A recent story posted on SteveQuayle.com reports that a glitch in the Medicaid system has already caused pharmacists to deny people their medication.(2)

The alternative was to pay full price for the medication and receive a discount at a later a date, something many people do not have the means to do. If a parallel situation were to happen on a mass scale, millions of people would die in the process.

Just as computers are at risk for virus infections, so too is Medicare. These are the risks that accompany a monopolized medical insurance provider that so heavily relies on technology. As a precautionary measure, people dependent on Medicaid should stock up on necessary prescription drugs in the event of a glitch.

Sources include:

(1) ABCNews.Go.com

(2) SteveQuayle.com