Interview with James Wesley Rawles discusses the inevitable breakdown and contraction of the U.S. economy


All News PipeLine has posted a fascinating video of an interview with James Wesley Rawles, a former U.S. Army intelligence officer, and also creator of His expertise is in food storage, first aid, firearms, off-the-grid power and communications. Rawles discusses the possibility of the current turbulence in the world, from tensions with Russia to the Syrian crisis, leading to the next world war. He suspects that the next long-term threat to the U.S. will be China and even speculates that China may in the near future attempt to expand their territory in order to tap the raw materials that they will need to fuel their economy.

Rowles talks about how the United States has an “empty shell of an economy” whose industrial base has evaporated and also one that has transitioned into a service economy that is weighed down by both consumer and sovereign debt. What this will all lead to, Rowles says, is a breakdown that many have predicted is just around the corner:

I think that inevitably there’s going to be a major economic break that takes place but I wouldn’t put it past the powers that be to continue pushing the economy along, kicking the can down the street, as they say… as long as they possibly can, possibly past the next presidential election before they let things fall apart… but at some point they’re going to have to fall apart because for many years they’ve had the policies of ZIRP, the zero interest-rate policy, and ZIRP is about as an artificial an economic environment as you can get, it borders on Mussolini style economics and you cannot maintain ZIRP indefinitely… and if and when interest rates do turn, and they will, I believe, we’re going to see a massive contraction in the U.S. economy…

There is currently a lot of speculation about a major contraction in the U.S. economy. If Rawles’ prediction were to come true, it could lead to food shortages, disease, rioting and looting and essentially “absolute chaos.” To hear the entire interview with James Wesley Rawles watch the video below:

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