Rick Santorum was right: Pedophilia has been given green light by lap dog media


In 2003, Senator Rick Santorum was widely criticized for making a the argument about what can happen to a society and country once we turn away from Biblical morality. A mere 12 years later the former-Senator’s prediction has come tragically true, as the push has begun to marginalize child pedophilia as crime in our media.

The examples are all around us, as Salon publishes a lengthy article written by a pedophile, asking for our understanding while condemning society as bigots, for ostracizing and condemning his kind. It’s even present in the military, as American soldiers have been instructed not to intervene under threat of court martial, if their Afghan allies sexually abuse little boys, even on U.S. military bases, EVEN if its happening audibly from where they sleep at night.

This is what it looks like apparently when a country decides to commit suicide and adopt the cult doctrine of moral relativism. America is officially becoming a nation, tolerant of Child pedophilia.

