SYRIAN REFUGEE MAP: Is Obama sending any possible terrorists to your hometown?

Credit: Wikimedia

A White House security advisor confirmed that despite the recent terror attacks in Paris, France, President Obama intends to move forward with plans to import at least 85,000 Syrian refugees into the United States by the end of 2016.(1)

On Friday, Islamic extremists with possible ties to ISIS launched attacks on six spots in Paris popular for its nightlife including the national stadium, a crowded concert hall and several trendy restaurants, resulting in the death of 129 people and another 350 injured.

The brutal attacks sent waves of shock and fear across the world, highlighting the fallacies in dozens of countries’ immigration policies, including in the United States where it’s accepted thousands of Syrian refugees since 2012.

Obama administration settles 2,000 Syrians into 130 cities and towns across America

So far, the United States has welcomed nearly 2,000 Syrian refugees over the last four years, integrating them into more than 130 American towns and cities, including relatively rural areas such as Boise, Idaho – which has received more refugees than New York and Los Angeles combined.

An illustration by The New York Times shows exactly where and how many Syrian refugees have been resettled in America in recent times. (2)


“Some of them have reached large cities like Houston, but most have been sent to more affordable, medium-size cities by the nine voluntary agencies that handle refugee resettlement. Boise, Idaho, has accepted more refugees than New York and Los Angeles combined; Worcester, Mass., has taken in more than Boston.”

Despite the fact that four U.S. states – Texas, Alabama, Louisiana, Arkansas and Michigan – have announced their refusal to accommodate ANY Syrian refugees following the Paris attack, President Obama says he will import at least 10,000 Syrians this fiscal year.

The White House insists it will take precautionary measures when approving Syrian refugees for travel into the U.S.; however, a Counterterrorism and Intelligence official admitted the government has NO system for verifying the identities of Syrian refugees, let alone is it able to detect whether or not they have ties to terrorism.(3)

Syrian refugee children entering America’s classrooms

Beginning last year, the U.S. amped up its intake of Syrian refugees from 500 to 1,000 per month after the United Nations began referring more immigrants from refugee camps, reports the NYT. The allowance of refugees into America continues to shape its cultural landscape, with Idaho serving as one of the greatest examples.

In late April, Idaho – America’s largest receiver of Syrian refugees – revealed its plans to place at least 100 refugee children into several school districts across Twin Falls, attempting to accommodate the arrival of more than 20 new languages.

Twin Falls Times-News reports:

When refugee children arrive, they get intensive instruction at the Newcomer Center. Then, they’re transitioned into regular classrooms. The Refugee Center had helped 162 newcomers settle in Twin Falls by the end of March. February was a particularly busy month, with 45 incoming refugees. Since 1984, the center has settled almost 5,000 people in the Magic Valley. Most are from Iraq and Iran.(4)

Even before the latest terror attack in Paris, Idahoans were less than thrilled about their state’s welcoming of Syrian refugees. Over the summer, citizens protested Idaho’s refugee policies, calling for the closure of the College of Southern Idaho’s Refugee Center (CSI).

Idahoans call for closure of Syrian refugee center

The protestors cited concerns over the center’s welcoming of displaced Syrians from a country deeply embattled by a civil war that may not have been properly screened for security risks by the federal government, reported Breitbart News. (5)

“Bringing in Syrians, who are predominantly of Muslim background, may be opening the door to terrorists pretending to be refugees,” said Rick Martin, head of a committee seeking to close CSI.

“We’re not against legitimate refugees. They need to be treated with dignity and respect. But it would be easy for someone to lie about their background.”

