Germany on the brink of civil war due to migrant crisis

Hansjoerg Mueller of the Alternative for Germany party proclaimed that the migrant crisis has now forced Germany to the brink of anarchy and civil war.

To prove just how big of a problem the sudden influx of migrants is, Bavarian official Peter Dreier even called German Chancellor Angela Merkel “to tell her personally that if Germany welcomes a million refugees, his town of Landshut will only take in around 1,800.” The rest will be sent to Berlin.

Here is an excerpt of Mueller’s interview with, where he answers questions pertaining to Dreier’s declaration:

RT: He says he’s going to send them to Berlin, but does he have the power?

Hansjoerg Mueller: The person who wants to send them to Berlin is Mr. Dreier. He is the district head of Landshut, a town close to Munich. Usually he does not have the power, but we are not living in usual times. What we are now looking at is more and more Germany sliding towards anarchy. In this situation I think less and less is determined by law, more and more is determined by who acts. And the person who acts in fact has the power. So if he sends … refugees to Berlin, he sends them!

RT: Will threats like this one be able to affect Merkel’s policy?

HM: I hope so, because Germany now is somewhere at the edge of anarchy and sliding towards civil war, or to become a banana republic without any government. I hope that this threat will have some effect, but knowing the psychological things that Merkel does all these days – I don’t believe in it, unfortunately.

RT: Do you think Bavaria will be the only region that says something like this, or do you expect other regions to follow?

HM: Yes, of course, Bavaria is the first region because we are affected the most – we are living on the border to Austria where the influx of refugees stems from. But the second regions of Germany where this happens are Saxony and Thuringia. First of all, they have also borders to the Czech Republic, that’s the first reason. And the second reason is that in former Eastern Germany people are still aware of what it is living in a dictatorship. They are feeling quite well that our so-called democracy is sliding more and more towards a totalitarian state. This is my personal explanation why… the demonstrations in Thuringia and in Saxony are so fierce in their movements.”
