Mein Kampf to be reprinted in Germany as desperate citizens become increasingly nationalistic amid invasion of Middle Eastern migrants


After 70 years of publishing prohibition, one of the most controversial books of all time is finally back in print. The re-release of Mein Kampf, an autobiography of Adolf Hitler, isn’t being received well by everyone, of course, but the timing couldn’t be more apropos considering the turmoil of Europe’s ongoing migrant invasion.

On the heels of this nationalistic reformation comes a work that some say is nothing more than “inflammatory racist diatribe.” But Mein Kampf is also a historical work that holds a unique place in history, say others, which is why Munich’s Institute for Contemporary History (IfZ) has taken great care to republish the work in a new light.

The 70-year copyright on the original text recently expired, and the new work, entitled Hitler, Mein Kampf. A critical Edition, has taken its place. The 2,000-page book, which is in two volumes, is now on sale in bookstores throughout Europe.

“We are probably entering a phase in which you can do more with Hitler and texts about him than you did 10 or 20 years ago,” stated Peter Longerich, a biographer of Adolf Hitler, to Reuters about the book’s release. “In the age of mass media, taboos are constantly broken and texts cannot be locked away.”

New edition of Mein Kampf sells out almost immediately

Any inquisitive reevaluation of Hitler’s political ideologies and beliefs has long been considered taboo, which is why even questioning the official story of the Holocaust is considered a crime in Europe. But the fact that Europeans aren’t shying away from the new work shows how things are changing.

According to, the first 4,000 copies of Hitler, Mein Kampf. A critical Edition “were instantly sold out,” with more orders continuing to add up for a total of 15,000 copies. The publishing group has already indicated that it’s working on a third edition to the book.

“For one, it’s one of the last existing remnants of the Third Reich,” explained Christian Hartmann, who headed the project for IfZ, to about why he believes so many people are interested in buying the book. “And secondly, he added, it’s a book many German families are still very aware of.”

The 15,000 copies already reprinted represent just a fraction of the more than 12 million copies of the original 780-page work that were distributed to the German people during World War II. To this day, Mein Kampf exists in more than 1,000 different editions, old editions of which can be found in second-hand stores, in libraries and online.

Nationalism isn’t evil

The downfall of Hitler and the Third Reich most certainly set an anti-nationalist precedent that in today’s world has manifested as cultural Marxism, or what some might refer to as “multiculturalism.” This reactionary leftist mindset has led not only to the censorship of offensive but also the near dissolution of national borders and sovereignty, ironically causing a rise in nationalist sentiments in Europe.

Don’t mistake this emphasis on free speech and the right to publish books of historical significance as an endorsement of their contents – it’s not. Racism and xenophobia are never a good thing, after all. But neither is throwing out the baby with the bathwater, which in this case includes abandoning the idea that maintaining a unique national identity is of any importance.

It’s a subject that’s reemerging into the global conversation amid the Syrian refugee crisis. More people than ever are asking the question: Do we really want to open up our borders to anyone and everyone for the sake of political correctness, even when doing so puts our economy, our culture, our values and our people in harm’s way?

Welcoming refugees truly in need is one thing, but allowing entire people groups to take over your own in the name of “compassion” is cultural suicide. And it’s something that many nations are facing today as the globalists and social engineers push for forced immigration throughout countries in Europe and North America, to the detriment of thee very existence of those nations.

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