One month of multicultural rapes and beheadings in Sweden shows why it is suicidal to bring Middle Eastern migrants to America


(NaturalNews) The European Union, solidly in the clutches of political correctness, and enamored with “diversity” and “multiculturalism,” is being forced to rethink its philosophy, thanks to the wave of humanity pouring into the continent from the Global South.

Millions living in the failed or failing states of the Middle East and Africa, torn asunder by civil war, chronic corruption, tyranny and poverty, are flocking into the EU, and as if the humanitarian disaster isn’t bad enough, most of the hapless refugees are bringing with them a culture that is grossly at odds with the values and mores of largely Christian Europe.

As noted by the Gatestone Institute in a recent analysis, uber-liberal and accommodating Sweden has been particularly taken aback. Since November, a series of incidents and grotesque crimes have led many there to call for a moratorium on accepting new migrants, especially from the Middle East. Others have called for increased security; still others are buying firearms.

As Gatestone noted:

So many migrants are flowing into Sweden that the government immigration service has been forced to hire nearly 1,000 additional employees, according to this press release. The service now has double the employees it had in 2012 – nearly 7,000.

On Nov. 4 Bobel Barqasho, a 31-year-old Syrian was sentenced by Sweden’s Supreme Court to 14 years in prison for throwing his wife off a 43-foot balcony. She survived, but barely. He was initially sentenced to nine years, but then acquitted by an appeals court. He had disappeared by the time the nation’s highest court handed down its sentence, and is now being sought by Interpol.

A few days later the Gronkulla School in Alvesta closed for a time, following the alleged rape of a 12-year-old girl by a Somali boy. The boy had harassed the girl for some time and finally, it is alleged, took his harassment a step further by dragging her behind a bush and raping her. He was allowed to continue going to school, but on a different schedule. The girl’s parents told a Swedish news outlet, “We are being spat on because we are Swedish.” In protest, a number of parents moved their kids to other schools.

An Iraqi man was later prosecuted for raping a woman on a train between Finland and Sweden. “In a couchette (sleeping car where men and women are together), the rapist and two other asylum seekers met one of the many Swedish women whose hearts go out to ‘new arrivals.’ The woman bought sandwiches for the men; they drank vodka. When two of the men started groping the woman, she told them to stop, yet chose to lie down and go to sleep. Sometime during the night, she was awakened by the Iraqi as he raped her,” Gatestone reported.

In mid-November, eight Eritrean men were put on trial for gang-raping a 45-year-old Swedish woman. She said she had been waiting for a friend in a stairwell when the men invited her inside. Once there, they began raping her in succession. When she sensed an opportunity to flee she made an attempt to do so, but was knocked unconscious. Courts were unable to determine which men did what, so only one was handed a five-year sentence, while the others were given only 10-month sentences.

A large mob at an asylum shelter in Nora attempted to break into a room where a woman had barricaded herself and her son. About 30 or so Muslim men “apparently thought the woman was in violation of Islamic sharia law, by being in Sweden unaccompanied by a man. They thought that she should therefore be raped and her teenage son killed. Asylum house staff called the police, who averted the plan,” Gatestone reported.

Two Swedish men were convicted of joining an Islamist group in Syria and then murdering two captives. Video evidence showed that one of the victims was beheaded. Court Chairman Ralf G. Larsson said, “Every night when I have gone to bed, I have seen a head hanging in the air.”

These are just a few of the cases, and in just one country, in only one month. Germany – which has taken in the largest number of refugees from the Middle East – is also suffering similar incidents.

And our president and Democrats want to bring more of these people to America? Why?
