EPA, USDA, FDA – the triad of anti-science to poison humanity and the environment (Audio)

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Think the EPA, FDA and USDA are “scientific” organizations? Think again: They’re actually front groups for ANTI-science corporate agendas. This triad of government regulators is now actively engaged in the ongoing censorship, suppression and falsification of scientific data in order to push toxic chemicals (pesticides, herbicides, pharmaceuticals) for profit.

The result is the mass poisoning of the people, the food supply and entire ecosystems. Thanks to the EPA, honeybee populations are collapsing across America. Thanks to the FDA, glyphosate has contaminated the food supply, causing a massive wave of cancer across the population. And thanks to the USDA, there’s seemingly no limit to the millions of tons of toxic chemicals that can be sprayed onto food crops across the country, polluting soils, waterways and even oceans.

These three federal agencies — EPA, FDA, USDA — are all functioning as anti-science front groups, assisting powerful corporations in the mass poisoning of children across America. Yet, stunningly, they all have absolute legal immunity from their actions! They are chemical murderers with get-out-of-jail-free cards and seemingly unlimited taxpayer-funded budgets for pushing yet more anti-science propaganda and suppression of real science in the public interest.

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