Depraved Islamist militant publicly executes his own mother, after she warned him to abandon ISIS before its imminent destruction


Just when you think militants fighting on behalf of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or ISIS, couldn’t do anything more devious, diabolical or downright evil, one of them proves you wrong.

As reported by Reuters, a very depraved Islamic State militant actually executed his very own mother – in public – in the Syrian city of Raqqa, because she essentially tried to save him from the wickedness of the organization by pleading with him to leave the group, according to officials with the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

The woman, reportedly in her 40s, warned her son that eventually a military alliance backed by the United States would eliminate the Islamic State and, as such, she wanted him to leave the war-torn city with her.

But instead, the sick, twisted son who is obviously more enamored with killing and war than with his own flesh and blood, informed ISIS leaders of her comments, and they had her detained, the Britain-based Observatory – which relies on a network of sources on the ground – said.

Sources told the Observatory that the 20-year-old son executed his mother near a post office building where she worked, and in front of hundreds of people in Raqqa, the main city and base of operations for the Islamic State.

Killed for homosexuality, magic, apostasy

ISIS controls vast swaths of both Syria and Iraq, hence its name. Since it was formed, members of the organization have possibly executed thousands of people, many of whom were accused of working with Islamic State enemies, or violating the group’s ultra-strict interpretation of Islam.

Reuters reported further:

“The Observatory reported on Dec. 29 that Islamic State had executed more than 2,000 Syrian civilians in the 18 months since it declared its “caliphate” over the territory it controls in Syria and Iraq. They included people killed on the grounds of homosexuality, practicing magic and apostasy.”

Other horrific murders and executions conducted by ISIS include:

— As reported by, photographs that surfaced recently revealed hideous dungeons where Yazidi sex slaves were held and repeatedly raped by ISIS fighters.

“ISIL have institutionalized sexual violence and the brutalization of women as a central aspect of their ideology and operations, using it as a tactic of terrorism to advance their key strategic objectives,” said the UN’s Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict.

— As noted by Breitbart News, ISIS staged a mass murder of Christians, which included a 12-year-old boy, for refusing to renounce their religion and embrace Islam.

‘Followers of the cross’

“In front of the team leader and relatives in the crowd, the Islamic extremists cut off the fingertips of the boy and severely beat him, telling his father they would stop the torture only if he, the father, returned to Islam,” the Gospel World Herald said. “When the team leader refused, relatives said, the ISIS militants also tortured and beat him and the two other ministry workers. The three men and the boy then met their deaths in crucifixion.”

One woman shouted, “Jesus!” before she was beheaded.

— In December 2014, Jordanian fighter pilot Lt. Muath al-Kaseasbeh’s F-16 was shot down near Raqqa; in early February, the Islamic State tied him up, put him in a cage in public, doused him with gasoline and burned him alive.

Indeed, several people taken prisoner by ISIS fighters have been burned alive, including four “Shia spies” and four Iraqi soldiers captured in battle.

— Beheadings of foreign nationals have also been a favorite terrorist tactic used by the Islamic State. Also, mass beheadings of Christians, like many that have taken place on beaches of Egyptian Coptics.

“The people of the cross, the followers of the hostile Egyptian Church,” said videos and still photos taken of the beheadings.
