Montage captures 140 times Obama has lied to Americans during State of the Union speeches


Everyone except his most adoring, Kool-Aid-drinking fans, know that President Obama has an honesty problem. Just the lies he told about his Affordable Care Act so he could get it passed were epic.

You can keep your doctor. Except when you can’t because your doctor doesn’t participate in your new plan.

We’re going to work with your employers to reduce your health insurance premiums by $2,500 a year. Premiums – employer-based and otherwise – are skyrocketing.

We’re going to lower your out-of-pocket costs. Most Americans are not only paying higher premiums, but are also paying higher deductibles – out of pocket costs – than before Obamacare.

The ACA will finally provide health care coverage to all. This is not true, either. Not only are millions still without coverage, despite the law’s requirement to get coverage, but “coverage” does not equal “access” to a provider.

And so on. But in seven years’ time, and through eight State of the Union addresses, Obama has told whopper after whopper, as if actually telling the truth about something is a feat he is incapable of.

Indeed, a new montage of his speech promises has recently been compiled and published online [here], laying bare the 140-plus times the president of the United States has been dishonest with his own people.

“We should note that many of these promises are duplicated from one year to another. For example, almost every year he has pledged to pass comprehensive immigration reform, overhaul corporate taxes, reduce regulations, and close Guantanamo Bay,” the site, Grabien, states.

Some of the biggest stretches of the truth and outright falsehoods, as the site notes, include:

  • Curing cancer (promised 2009, 2010, 2015)
  • Freezing government spending for three years (2010) and five years (2011)
  • Colonizing outer space (2015)
  • Going “line by line” through the budget, eliminating needless programs (2009, 2010)
  • Inventing “material thinner than paper but stronger than steel” (2014)
  • Passing health reform that will let Americans keep their insurance (2010)
  • Converting sunlight into liquid fuel (2015)
  • Passing comprehensive immigration reform (2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014)
  • Closing Gitmo (2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015)
  • Ending the Israeli-Palestinian conflict (2014)
  • Passing a law that will prevent mass shootings (2014)
  • Keeping earlier promises he’s already made (2013)

More, by year, include:


The stimulus bill will create 3.5 million jobs over the next few years, 90 percent of which will be in the private sector. This wasn’t even close. In fact, while some employment sectors have improved, one of the reasons why the unemployment rate has dropped steadily since the Great Recession [allegedly] ended that same year, is because a record number of Americans are no longer in the workforce (and the government no longer counts them as “unemployed”).

Double the supply of renewable energy within the next three years. Not. The reality is, renewable energy remains a risky investment because there is no demand for it, especially with oil prices falling to near-record levels.


Use stimulus funds to build a high-speed railway in Florida. This never got built, and a plan to build one along a section of California is over-budget.

Building a new generation of nuclear energy plants. The only thing Obama hates worse than coal-fired power plants are nuclear-powered plants. In fact, in April 2015 Bloomberg News pronounced the U.S. nuclear power industry on life support. The last new plant opened in Tennessee in 1996. The last new construction was approved in 2012, and even then over the objections of the chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (one of the industry’s main impediments is government regulation).


Go “all out” on every type of energy. Yeah, solar energy, and some wind. Not coal. And the only reason oil is plentiful in the U.S. is because Obama couldn’t stop the shale oil/fracking revolution.

Read the entire list here.
