Crisis actors being recruited to film staged smear videos against Donald Trump


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Congressional Republicans are beginning to line up behind billionaire real estate mogul Donald Trump as it looks increasingly likely that he’ll win the GOP presidential nomination. He has led consistently since he first announced that he would seek the party’s nomination. He won primaries in a string of states after a close loss in the first caucus of the cycle, Iowa. And he sits, now, with more delegates than either of his two closest rivals, Sens. Ted Cruz of Texas and Marco Rubio of Florida.

What’s more, according to polling figures, Trump appears to be the “big tent” candidate the GOP has long sought – a figure who can rally minorities, women, Reagan Democrats and Independent to the party.

And yet, the GOP leadership has done all it can to derail the Trump freight train – and continues to plot a way to steal the nomination from him and hand it to another hand-picked “establishment” candidate who will better advance the leadership’s agenda items, even if they aren’t what the Republican base or the nation as a whole wants.

In fact, as noted by Zero Hedge, one of the ways the Trump campaign is being undermined is by good ol’ political subterfuge and chicanery – like hiring actors to place at key Trump campaign events and to shoot phony-baloney political ads aimed at denigrating the man or bashing his political positions.

After exposing the fallacy of “concerned citizens” – paid or otherwise compromised actors, nothing more – at campaign events and “town halls,” Zero Hedge reported that it was inundated with tips and evidence from readers about smear and undermine operations that far exceed what most Americans are aware of.

For instance, one email the site posted called for “Male/Female Hispanic, Latins, Asians, all ages” to show up to a screening in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., in September to “shoot a smear video against Donald Trump.” The firm was looking for 25 people who would each be paid $100 if they were selected.

“This is acting, so it doesn’t matter about political affiliations,” the notice reads. People would be saying lines like “I am a criminal,” and “I am an anchor baby” – jabs at Trump’s tough stances against illegal immigration.

A second email, meanwhile, talks about how a new political cycle is approaching and how people would be needed to shoot smear ads. It also warned that there could be legal consequences for sharing the email with anyone outside the network of those who opted in to the email blast.

“We are of course not naive enough to be surprised by this, but the blatantness in the new normal of ‘bread and circus’ distraction merely extends a bothersome trend that seems quite fitting for the smoke and mirrors driven, celebrity obsessed, hologram society that America has become,” Zero Hedge noted. “One in which counter-everything Trump has defied all odds and is steamrolling toward the presidency.”

Indeed, some see Trump’s nomination as a given at this point – so much so that more members of Congress and other political figures like Gov. Chris Christie, once a candidate himself for the 2016 nomination, are lining up to endorse him.

Still, the attacks won’t stop. The Republican establishment may even be planning on running a former two-time loser Mitt Romney, according to this report.

What’s utterly amazing to, and frustrating for, rank-and-file conservatives and Republican voters is the contempt the leadership of their own party has for them. They would rather lose with another milquetoast candidate who has no appeal and no charisma that ride on the coattails of a candidate who is actually exciting the base for a change? It’s not certain that Trump can beat whomever the Democrats put up, and that is looking more like it will be the national security compromising, Benghazi-tainted Hillary Clinton, but what is certain is that he is getting Republicans to turn out in record numbers at the polls, and his polling numbers keep going up.

None of that matters to the GOP leadership.

It has been said there are many firsts in this election cycle, such as a political outsider and former reality TV host rising to the top of a political party to capture its imagination and likely it’s nomination. Another first is the leadership of one party actively working to subvert its own supporters.

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