Swedish government covered up rape crimes of refugees just like liberal U.S. cities cover up rape and murder crimes of illegals


Political correctness and absurd Leftism is getting scores of Europeans – mostly women – hurt and putting scores more at risk.

As reported by Breitbart London, a wave of sex crimes committed by thousands of younger male migrants from the Middle East and North Africa is spreading throughout the European continent, and what’s more, uber-Leftist government officials in these various EU nations have been so reluctant to discuss it that they have taken to hiding the truth.

For instance, the news site noted, in recent days Swedish police were accused of covering up sexual assaults and other sex-related crimes committed by migrants against Swedish women for years at a music festival.

But since then, an Afghan teenager has been arrested and, in a fit of irony, the country’s liberal, pro-mass-immigration prime minister has lashed out at the “double betrayal” of women by police.

Also, it has been noted that the Stockholm Council and the organizers of the festival identified the danger that migrant mobs were posing to women some two years ago, but said that to have spoken out would have been “irresponsible.”

“A scandal without equal”

In addition, the Swedish newspaper that broke the scandal may have been tipped off about the abuse some six months ago and could very well have passed on the story completely were it not for the recently reported sex attacks throughout Germany and other European countries over the New Year’s Eve holiday.

Breitbart London noted further:

Quoting sources within the force, Dagens Nyheter (DN) claimed Stockholm Police consciously avoid reporting on issues which can be tied to perpetrators of a foreign background, because they fear it may help right-wing politicians.

The festival took place a month before general elections in which the anti-mass-migration party Sweden Democrats came third.

“It is a scandal without equal. This must be immediately investigated. Could this be something that happened at several locations in the country, but they do not bother to tell you certain things because it could ‘play into the hands [of the Sweden Democrats party]’?” Björn Söder, one of the party’s MPs, said to Expressen.

In fact, reports are revealing, migrant sex gangs have been perusing the Sthlm music festival in search of girls between the ages of 12 and 17 for at least the past two summers.

“These are so-called refugee youths, specifically from Afghanistan. Several of the gang were arrested for sexual molestation,” one leaked police memo read, indicating that they were well aware of the situation, Breitbart London reported.

But as in Germany, however – where local police initially released a statement claiming that the New Year’s Eve celebrations had “passed off peacefully,” the Swedish police reports about the festival were positive and made no reference to sexual assaults.

That, despite the fact that 38 separate reports of rape and sexual assault were made over the course of 2014 and 2015 – information only released after press reports alleged a cover-up.

Indeed, in just one single night, police and security personnel had to intervene against about 90 young men who were all involved in sexual abuse, an eyewitness told Swedish media.

Coming to America

“We should certainly have written and told people about this, no doubt. Why it did not happen I do not know,” Varg Gyllander, a police press spokesperson, confessed, according to Breitbart.

“Just became aware of DNs data tonight. Promise that the matter will be investigated,” Sweden’s National Police Commissioner Dan Eliasson tweeted.

Prime Minister Stefan Löfven has since addressed the scandal as well, calling it a “double betrayal” because of the assaults not being made public and the fact that no one was prosecuted for them.

A psychologist says she tipped off the DN regarding claims of groping and other forms of physical sex abuse at the festival six months ago, but the paper did not follow up on the story. Editors there have since said they were tipped off but said they could not publish any stories because police refused to confirm the assaults.

Americans who think such behavior won’t take place en masse in the U.S. if President Obama is allowed to import tens of thousands of migrants and refugees from some of the same countries aren’t being serious or paying attention.



