Google, Facebook and Twitter all conspire to censor critics of European migrants who sexually assaulted women


The Left-wing extremist governments of Europe continue to put refugees and migrants from war-torn, economically depressed regions of the world ahead of their own citizens, who are being required to foot the bill to care for the new arrivals, even to the point of suppressing their individual rights.

As noted recently by Breitbart News, it’s London bureau who first reported to the world news that European women and some men were subjected to violent sexual assaults, rapes and robberies committed by mobs of young migrant males over the New Year’s Eve holiday recently.

The bulk of the attacks occurred in Germany – and then, mostly in the city of Cologne – outraging citizens throughout the country. But thanks to the pandering German political class, complaining about what happened, say, on social media, could be branded as illegal hate speech.

What’s more, German policymakers are getting help from the world’s biggest social media/tech firms.

‘Creeping censorship’

Breitbart News reported further:

In a deal reached last December, major social media sites said they would work to delete any German anti-migrant sentiments distributed on their networks within 24 hours after a removal request has been made. 

The outlets agreed to apply domestic laws, rather than their own corporate policies, to reviews of posts and already users in Germany are expressing disgust at the policy which came straight from German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s office.

In September, Merkel was heard discussing the issue with Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, with the tech/media mogul stating “we need to do some work” in order to remove posts deemed by government censors as offensive, Wired reported.

Further, Zuckerberg agreed to cooperate with the German chancellor on the issue.

As Breitbart News has also reported, speech Nazis at Reddit, the link-sharing and discussion site, have removed scores of links and comments pertaining to the immigrant gang violence following the assaults in Cologne as part of a campaign to curb “vileness.” But those deletions and restrictive speech codes have not gone unnoticed by social media users.

“It’s not politically correct to say anything against migrants. We don’t have freedom of opinion anymore. #Cologne,” Tweeted a German user from Hanover, Breitbart News cited.

Stefan Körner, chairman of Germany’s liberal Pirate Party, agreed with that, sounding like an American founding father in the process by arguing that democracies “must be able to bear” a measure of xenophobia (or speech that just points out the obvious).

As noted by the Washington Post, Körner lashed out against Berlin’s deal with social media sites, noting that the action “surely… will lead to too many rather than too few comments being blocked.”

“This is creeping censorship, and we definitely don’t want that,” he continued.

‘Don’t worry, ladies, we’ll put some guidelines online for you’

And yet, that seems to be what’s coming, as noted by Breitbart:

By mid-2016, Google, Facebook and Twitter will have to provide user-friendly mechanisms for the submission of removal requests. They will enforce their terms and conditions by reviewing specific reports of hateful content and incitement to violence under both their community guidelines, and German law, particularly Section 130 of the German criminal code.

When a removal request is received, dedicated teams at the companies have to review it. Most content must be reviewed within 24 hours and removed, if necessary.

This hardly seems fair to ordinary Germans but given the mindset of the country’s ruling class, this censorship makes perfect sense.

As noted by, following reports that women in Cologne were sexually harassed by masses of migrants, the mayor of the city – a woman, no less – essentially blamed her citizens for the assaults for not being “prepared” enough.

“The women and young girls have to be more protected in the future so these things don’t happen again,” Mayor Henriette Reker, speaking on live television in early January, said. “This means, they should go out and have fun, but they need to be better prepared, especially with the Cologne carnival coming up. For this, we will publish online guidelines that these young women can read through to prepare themselves.”

Oh, well, online guidelines for German women. That’ll help.

Meanwhile, German officials continue to live in a world of denial, being so wrapped up in ensuring that another Adolph Hitler doesn’t come to power that they are willing to allow their own people to be hurt in order to avoid being called a name.


Breitbart News