Are you at risk for Artificial Sweetener Disease?


So much of what we consume today in the food we eat, both consciously and unknowingly, is processed, impure and phony, none so much as the sugars we eat. White refined sugar is bad enough – some 8,000 scientific studies and papers have linked it to various chronic diseases, as we have reported. But equally unhealthy, and even deadly, are the artificial sweeteners, especially aspartame.

As we reported last year, a phenomenon known as Artificial Sweetener Disease is now sweeping our country, affecting tens of thousands of Americans. And, as usual, the mainstream medical community and government agencies responsible for public health won’t call it what it is so that the healthcare providers can instead prescribe expensive medications and enrich Big Pharma while they string their patients along.

Whether the chief complaint is unbearable migraines, recurring headaches, muscle pain, depression, anxiety, arthritis, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue – or any number of other things – it will never be called ASD because, heaven forbid the modern medical establishment recommend you stop consuming artificial sweeteners.

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The symptoms of ASD can change overnight, depending on how much chemical sweetener you consume, and which ones. Some combinations are especially toxic. Consumers can go from a migraine headache to vomiting or from vision problems to an upset stomach. Many people experience central nervous system disorders, cramping, nervous twitches and abnormal reflexes,” we reported.


  • There was a wave of fibromyalgia cases that swept American troops during the first Gulf War, with studies showing that drinking diet sodas in 120-degree desert heat lead to serious health repercussions. This was conveniently lumped into the umbrella term “Gulf War Syndrome,” but some of the same problems are occurring among troops returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.
  • Interestingly, 4 of 5 fibromyalgia cases affect women because they are more likely to consume diet foods and drinks than men. Also, nearly all chewing gum and breath mints are loaded with artificial sweeteners.

As mentioned above, aspartame is one of the prime suspects. According to this source aspartame accounted for about three-quarters of all consumer complaints to the Food and Drug Administration in 2013, but for good reason: It has been linked to a swath of neurological and psychological issues such as depression, migraine headaches, thoughts of suicide and aggression.

But aspartame is not the only artificial sweetener on this bad list. Others include saccharin (found in Sweet-N-Low), Monsanto-produced neotame (which has a similar chemical structure as aspartame), and sucralose, which is 600 times sweeter than regular sugar but yet isn’t supposed to contain any calories.

What’s especially nefarious about artificial sweeteners is how pervasive they have become in our food chain – only, even sweetener-conscious consumers aren’t always aware that what they’re consuming contains a hidden sweetener. As reported by Quartz in 2014:

Consumers have gotten more wary of artificial sweeteners amid an ongoing scientific debate about their possible connection to health problems. That’s hurting sales of diet soda, which use these sorts of sugar substitutes to deliver sweetness without adding calories. But rather than doing away with the artificial sweeteners, food manufacturers appear to be slipping them in under other names consumers are less likely to recognize.

What’s really needed – other than transparency from food companies, via tighter labeling laws – is a food revolution, wouldn’t you agree?

“Pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, GMOs, and untested chemicals are spreading like a virus through our food supply. The health of your family and friends, as well as our planet, is at risk,” say John and Ocean Robbins, co-sponsors of the upcoming 5th Annual Food Revolution Summit, which will be available online, for free, beginning April 30.

More than two dozen food and nutrition experts will come together to discuss ways to present the most up-to-date about food and nutrition, disease prevention and environmental stewardship.

Sign up today for FREE for the 5th Annual Food Revolution Summit – click here!
