American families are now spending so much money on taxes that it outweighs what they spend on food, housing and clothing COMBINED


Are you feeling a bit stretched in your finances? Despite the current lower prices at the pump, you’ve probably noticed food prices inching higher and higher, an untamed electric bill and more expensive office and school supplies. Additionally, according to a report filed by the Tax Foundation, your taxes are also taking a bigger slice:

“Americans will pay $3.3 trillion in federal taxes and $1.6 trillion in state and local taxes, for a total bill of almost $5.0 trillion, or 31 percent of the nation’s income… Americans will collectively spend more on taxes in 2016 than they will on food, clothing, and housing combined.”

It’s one thing to ponder this in your mind. But take a look at this Tax Foundation chart in order for it to really sink in.

tax charts

It makes one wonder how this chart will adjust for the worse once the true costs of Obamacare are unleashed. Let’s not forget that, adding in the unfunded liabilities, the actual deficit of the U.S. Corporation is over 200 trillion dollars.

It remains to be seen what the so-called leaders will decide to do, but the very real potential of a world beyond poverty for our children and grandchildren is evident. As Insider Fox reports, the politics will remain the same illusion of  their constant propaganda to “pay no attention to the man” behind the screen.

“‘All the political infighting we’ve been seeing lately is the reason “the effective tax rate has stayed basically the same since the 1950s,’ said John Layfield. ‘The wealthy are getting benefits from politicians, and the burden is falling on the middle class,’ he added.”

Nothing has changed, and these politicians are just trying to get elected. I don’t think any of them even really care about policy going forward. They just want to be in the White House.

Looking at these numbers and the inevitability of collapse, it is apparent why so many awake Americans are looking for a downsizing of lifestyle, the truth concerning their birthright, clean food, clear water and pondering the beauty of increased health through a new off the grid life.



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