Cancer industry set to profit off new Medicare proposition that gives financial incentive for doctor’s to recommend the most expensive prescription brands

cancer money

You know that cancer is a multi billion dollar industry. Since President Nixon’s decision to create the war on cancer back in 1971, it’s only increased. That’s what happens when the government needs an excuse to create that which they declare they are against. Remember the “war” on poverty, drugs and our current 24/7 charade, the one against terror? It’s all about making money and killing people, under the disguise of “your safety,” of course. And it’s not just the pharmaceutical companies that are raking in the dough; your oncologist gets paid for prescribing certain drugs too. Turns out Medicare has a new idea about how these kickbacks should be organized. They want to pay the doctor’s a little less, which means they might adjust the drugs they prescribe. The Seattle Times has the details:

“A Medicare proposal to test new ways of paying for chemotherapy and other drugs given in a doctor’s office has sparked a furious battle, and cancer doctors are demanding that the Obama administration scrap the experiment.

“At issue are some of the most expensive drugs for treating life-changing diseases. The question isn’t whether those drugs are fairly priced, but whether Medicare’s current payment policy encourages doctors to prescribe the costliest medications so they can make more money.

“Medicare now pays doctors and hospital outpatient clinics the average sales price of a drug, plus a 6 percent add-on, somewhat reduced by federal budget cuts. Naturally, 6 percent of a $15,000 drug is more than 6 percent of a $3,000 drug. But does that influence doctors’ decisions, raising costs for the government as well as those on Medicare?

“The new formula announced last month combines a 2.5 percent add-on with a flat fee for each day the drug is administered. A control group of doctors and hospitals would continue to be paid under the current system.”

What do you think? Obviously not every physician forgets the Hippocratic Oath and uses therapies just to get kickbacks. But many conventional doctors have been brainwashed by Rockefeller endowed medical schools and don’t mind getting a bit more cash for promoting certain modalities and treatments even when they don’t work, as reported by

“‘[Peter Glidden, MD], author of The MD Emperor Has No Clothes, cites a study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, which found that over a 12-year period, chemotherapy did not cure adult cancer 97 percent of the time. “Why is it still used? There’s one reason, and one reason only,’ Glidden says in [this] video. ‘Money.’

“He points out that while doctors don’t get direct kickbacks for prescribing most medications, chemo drugs are unique in that the doctors purchase them from the pharmaceutical company and then sell them to patients at a profit.”

Bombarding one’s entire eco system with a concoction of toxic chemicals is not a way to improve one’s health. Perhaps one of your family members are being bombarded with white coats demanding that they take chemotherapy. Dr. Leonard Coldwell has a more appropriate name for that treatment, according to

“In [this] second video, naturopathic doctor Leonard Coldwell shares a similar perspective, calling chemotherapy “the Agent Orange of the medical profession.”

We are living in tenuous times. A time where people are considered chattel and money is to be made while they are being fattened up, while they remain sick and when they die. Stand and fight the liars with robust, organic food, alternative therapies, pure water and a few pounds of love and laughter. Your body is fearfully and wonderfully made – and it’s meant to heal. Never give up. And never give in to the current disease of our medical system.
