Could they kill your children? Why totalitarian state governments that force minors to undergo chemotherapy against their wishes is a human rights issue

medical kidnapp

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In the first month of 2015, a dire and drastic decision was made by the Connecticut State Supreme Court.  17-year-old Cassandra Callender and her mother did not have the right to refuse medical treatment. The courts upheld the authority of the Connecticut’s Department of Children and Families to mandate toxic chemicals to be injected into Cassandra’s body to treat Hodgkin’s lymphoma, even though Ms. Callender didn’t want the treatment. explains:

“Cassandra had surgery to remove part of her lymph node as a surgical treatment, and doctors moved to start her on chemo. She and her mother left against doctor’s orders. Cassandra’s doctors, who are mandatory reporters of child abuse or neglect, reported this to DCF, which took the case to state Superior Court (a lower court to the Connecticut Supreme Court) in November. There, doctors testified Cassandra needed the treatment, which has an 80 to 95 percent success rate. The court granted DCF temporary custody of Cassandra. She underwent two chemo treatments and then ran away from home, refusing at one point to come back for further care.

“The court convened again, which resulted in DCF removing Cassandra from her mother’s home and giving the agency authority to make all of her medical decisions. She has been forcibly hospitalized since December, receiving further chemo treatments. Doctors have said she has an 80 –  85 percent chance of surviving the cancer if she keeps going with the court-ordered chemo.”

Making health decisions for children isn’t up to the parents in the burgeoning medical so called “protective services” police state

So the white coated sepulchers – masquerading as Hippocratic Oath taking physicians – and the black robed priests – masquerading as judges – are now in league with the zealots of Child Protective Services. The result is totalitarian science forcing whatever pharmacological concoctions they choose into children, regardless of their or their parents wishes. Unfortunately, this is not a new phenomena, yet the ferocity of their power to usurp parental authority has exponentially increased. Your child could fall prey, just like Kayla and Hannah Diegel of Phoenix, Isaiah Rider of Chicago or Native American children in South Dakota.

In Canada, parents were found guilty of not vaccinating their son after he died due to an ill-equipped ambulance

Health Impact News reports:

“Canadian parents David and Collet Stephan were found guilty this week of “failing to provide the necessaries of life” for their 18 month old unvaccinated son. The verdict stunned the couple and supporters alike, especially after there was expert testimony and evidence presented during the trial that showed that the child would most likely be alive today were it not for serious failures on the part of the medical system. Sentencing will be on June 13. The Stephans face up to 5 years in prison.”

There is no due process when these children are taken by the states: Neither they, nor their parents have any rights

Just as in Nazi, Germany, children are taken and used for experimental drug trials. In 2007, the late Senator from Georgia, Nancy Schaefer, an outspoken patriot, spoke about the out of control system. Inforwars reports:

“The department of child protective services has become an proteced empire… it’s built on taking children and separating families… the family is going to have to be destroyed for the one world government to fully develop.

One Saturday morning, 37 families came to a library to tell their story… their children had been picked up in the middle of the night, out of school and off school buses, out of the hospital when they are nursing. it was seeing the work of the Gestapo coming against these families.”

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