The American Dream is dead… and lazy people killed it

No Job No Money

The disintegration of the American way of life has been planned and plotted out for generations. The fraud is deep, wide and more complex than most of us could ever imagine. It starts when your parents allow the hospital to put your name and footprint on your birth certificate. Little did they know they would be subjecting you to a lifetime of bondage. That bond trust document was, and is still, a rack and pinion in the slow death of the American way of life.

This nation was built on the backs of hard working, sovereign individuals who either labored, or starved

Our ancestors learned to harness the power of the land, depended on their Almighty for protection and wisdom, planted food, were experts at animal husbandry and knew how to read the skies. Their word was their bond. Their children were born free born, unlike the last few generations. But the loss of individual freedom and the power of a work ethic has been squashed through the years by a torrent of government programs. Some individuals really need the help, don’t get me wrong. We need to help those who are truly broken.

Today in America, nearly 20% of families have no one working to earn an income

Free Beacon reports:

“There were one in five families in the United States in 2015, or 19.7 percent, in which no one in the family worked, according to data released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

“‘Families are classified either as married-couple families or as families maintained by women or men without spouses present,’ explains the bureau. ‘Families include those without children as well as those with children under age eighteen.’

“There were 81,410,000 families in the United States in 2015. Of those, there were 16,060,000 families in which no member was employed, or 19.7 percent of the total.”

Food Stamps have become a way of life, not an emergency assistance program. It will be chaos when that system crashes

Putting a system of government dependence in place is a bonus for the brotherhood of darkness who want nothing more than chaos that would lead to angry, hungry people which could lead to riots and destruction which could then turn into martial law. It’s so unfortunate, because there are individuals who truly benefit. But that may be a small percentage of the over trillion dollars of food stamps now distributed. And those aren’t the only problems, as reported by Freedom Works:

1. They Are Ineffective at Reducing Hunger

A report compiled by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) noted that while SNAP (the largest food stamp program) has had some positive results, “the literature is inconclusive regarding whether SNAP alleviates hunger and malnutrition in low-income households.”

2. They are Subject to Large Scale Fraud and Error

…  “the amount of SNAP benefits paid in error is substantial, totaling about $2.2 billion in 2009.”

3. They Lack Transparency

The USDA does not disclose product purchases or how many total SNAP dollars are spent on each product, nor does the USDA disclose how much money retailers make off of SNAP.

4. They are a Form of Corporate Welfare

… Food stamp programs guarantee large corporations consistent cash flow… J.P. Morgan has contracts for Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) cards used for SNAP in half the states and has spent millions of dollars lobbying Congress. In addition, large food retailers like Kroger and Walmart gain large shares of SNAP purchases. In some states, Walmart captures upwards to 50 percent of all SNAP purchases.”

Is nutritious food available via SNAP? And what about the dependency on big daddy government?  Self reliance built this nation. The road to dependency will destroy it.
