Vaccine quackery: Big Pharma’s money machine is out to defraud you


Scientific fraud, trickery and deception – these are the words that best describe the shady world of vaccine research, funded by the American taxpayer and generating profits for Big Pharma. The self-affirming cult of “Western medicine” silences any attempt at reasonable dissent; meanwhile, parents are forced to make uninformed choices for their children in the guise of public health.

The industry is replete with examples of fudged research that eventually surface.

Fake AIDS and mumps vaccines

In 2013, Dr. Dong-Pyou Han from Iowa State University resigned after admitting he doctored rabbit blood samples, mixing them with healthy human blood to falsely show the presence of antibodies for his AIDS vaccine. The National Institute of Health (NIH) gave Dr. Han $19 million in funding for the fake vaccine, only to figure out something was wrong when they tried to replicate his research.

A summary of the fraud is posted on, a site regularly updated on Big Pharma fraud.

In 2010, a False Claims Act filing by former Merck researchers Stephen Krahling and Joan Wlochowski accused Merck of “spiking mumps vaccine blood tests with animal antibodies,” a deliberate act of deception to make the vaccines appear effective.

Merck falsely claimed its mumps vaccine was 95% effective, according to scientists, but the vaccine actually contributed to the spread of mumps across the U.S. It’s really no surprise, considering the spread of the disease would undoubtedly generate more profits for Big Pharma.

Crimes go unpunished in the vaccine industry

Dr. Han was merely barred from receiving government aid for three years. No charges, no jail time and not even an attempt to repay the funds he basically stole. This only echoes a larger problem with an industry which essentially allows its criminals to go free.

GlaxoSmithKline and Pfizer have previously admitted to multiple felonies, but both got obviously one-sided deals with the Department of Justice. Basically, the companies’ “punishments” were simply to pay fines which they could quickly recoup anyhow, at the expense of customers’ hard-earned money.

Given all these hard facts, if the vaccine industry really were to be subjected to actual rational scrutiny and scrubbed of its fake science, there probably would be nothing left of Big Pharma’s biggest moneymaking scheme except debts, lawsuits, more lawsuits and the rubble of a fraudulent corporate empire.

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