The most disturbing experiments conducted by the U.S. Government on non-consenting Civilians


You may have heard co-founder Mike Adams, a.k.a, the Health Ranger, recently interview former pro wrestler, Hollywood star and Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura having a discussion about real-life conspiracies (Ventura has done a number of TV programs investigating those conspiracies, in fact, and has written a book, American Conspiracies).

Many people, of course, discount such conspiracies as nothing more than uninformed blather spouted by attention-seeking kooks who wouldn’t know reality if they walked into it. But in fact, a number of stories through the years that have been discounted as conspiracy theories are not only true, they are horrifying – and the American government is guilty of a great many of them.

Recently the web site Ranker “ranked” the most disturbing of all conspiracies – those involving experimentation on the people without their knowledge. Some of them are as follows:

Mind control, via MKULTRA, on children

Beginning in the 1950s the CIA paid Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron for his work involving Subproject 68 – experimentation dealing with mild-altering substances. The project’s goal was to find methods of influencing and controlling the mind while being able to extract information from subjects who were not cooperative.

“In order to accomplish this, the doctor took patients admitted to his Allen Memorial Institute in Montreal (mostly for issues like bi-polar depression and anxiety disorders) and conducted ‘therapy’ on them. The treatment they received was life-altering and scarring,” Ranker noted.

Cameron was paid to administrate electroconvulsive therapy at between 30-40 times the normal power, between 1957 and 1964. He would put patients into drug-induced comas often for months and then play them tapes of simple statements or repetitive noises, over and over.

The “subjects” would forget how to talk, forgot their parents and suffered from major amnesia. Because the CIA was afraid to conduct this experimentation on Americans, it was performed instead on Canadians.

Mustard gas experimentation

During and after World War II the United States conducted intensive biological weapons research, even testing such weapons on military recruits. As part of that testing, researchers were said to have tested the effectiveness of new strains and other biohazards by spraying mustard gas and other skin-burning, lung-damaging chemicals like Lewisite on soldiers. Upon contact with the skin, the substances would cause extreme pain and swelling.

But also, it was reported that recovering soldiers in VA hospitals were used to test bioweapons under the premise of medical “observations.”

Immunity for Imperial Japan’s monster surgeon general

World War II historians are about the only ones who know that during the war Imperial Japan conducted horrendous biological experiments on live human subjects. This experimentation was led by Japan’s surgeon general, Dr. Shiro Ishii, head of Unit 731, the bioweapons research center.

“Although dissolution of Unit 731 in 1945 led to the destruction of many of its records, there is no doubt that Ishii and his men had caused the death of many thousands of Chinese, and possibly hundreds of Russian and Allied prisoners of war,” PBS reported.

In exchange for not facing war crimes trials – and for remaining out of the hands of Josef Stalin’s USSR – Ishii made a deal with the American military that he would divulge all of his work to them alone if he was granted immunity. And he was.

“Biological weapons were never mentioned in the Japanese war crimes trials, and Ishii died a free man in 1959,” PBS reported.

Biowarfare testing

The U.S. government, via the Army and the CIA, have used American cities to test biological warfare agents in realistic environments.

In the 1950s, Business Insider reports, San Francisco fog was a test bed to see if it could be used to help spread a biological weapon in a “simulated germ-warfare attack.” Historians called it one of the largest violations of the Nuremburg Code – adopted after World War II and named after the war crimes trials held at Nuremburg – since they were adopted.

There are many more conspiracies. Read them here.



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