Hillary Clinton’s presidency has already been BOUGHT by Big Pharma and Wall Street… see the list of bribes she’s already accepted!


(Clinton.news) In case you didn’t know, Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton is well-connected – to industries and corporations, to banks and financial institutions, to foreign governments and foreign interests… to just about everyone who isn’t aligned with, or tuned to, the common folk she claims to represent.

But don’t take my word for it. The data speaks for itself. As reported by The New York Post, the Democratic candidate is so well connected that she managed to “earn” (I write sarcastically) something like $21 million over a two-year period, just by showing up somewhere and giving a speech (many of which were for her going rate of $225,000 though others paid more).

Do you know of anyone else can show up at a venue and speak/play music/read poetry/perform magic tricks/do origami/stand on their head for about 20 minutes and earn that kind of money?

No one. So what makes Hillary’s time so valuable? Is it her winning personality? Her captivating demeanor? Her rock-star status? Or is it, perhaps, that banks and Big Pharma and corporations and countries pay her so handsomely because they want something from her if she happens to stumble into the White House next January?

You can mull that over, but while you’re at it, check out this lengthy list of suitors, donors or perhaps they should be called associates of hers and what they’ve paid her to ‘speak.’

Per the Post:

At what point do “contributions” become bribes, “constituent services” turn into quid pro quos and “charities” become slush funds?

Ronald Reagan was severely criticized in 1989 when, after he left office, he was paid $2 million for a couple of speeches in Japan. “The founding fathers would have been stunned that an occupant of the highest office in this land turned it into bucks,” sniffed a Columbia professor.

So what would Washington and Jefferson make of Hillary Rodham Clinton? Mandatory financial disclosures released this month show that, in just the two years from April 2013 to March 2015, the former first lady, senator and secretary of state collected $21,667,000 in “speaking fees,” not to mention the cool $5 mil she corralled as an advance for her 2014 flop book, “Hard Choices.”

And that payola is in addition to the $26 million-plus that her hubby, Bill Clinton, has been paid in “honoria” since has left office – fees that went up dramatically for him after his wife was appointed as Obama’s secretary of state. As the Post notes, no wonder Donald Trump, the prospective GOP presidential candidate, calls her “crooked Hillary.”

And no wonder Hillary refuses to release the transcripts of all those wonderful[ly profitable] speeches; the chances are good that most of those speeches praised whomever or whichever country/group/organization/corporation she was paid to speak at, all of which, of course, undermine her campaign rhetoric about opposing the big corporations, standing up for the little guy and gal, being just a regular woman, yada, yada, yada.

As to who paid Hillary, the list is long and distinguished. Enemy of the “big banks?” Hardly; she made multiple trips to Goldman Sachs. Oh, and Morgan Stanley was involved too, along with Deutsche Bank, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts and UBS Wealth Management.

Against Big Pharma? Nope; several pharmaceuticals are on the list of payees as well, because after all, they’ll need to stay on the good side of the woman who tried to do to healthcare in 1993 what Barack Obama and a Democrat congressional majority did in 2010.

“As ‘Clinton Cash,’ a new documentary based on Peter Schweizer’s 2015 book, shows in excruciating, irrefutable detail, it’s always ‘pay to play’ with the Clintons, whether personally or via their family racket, the Clinton Foundation (which includes the Clinton Global Initiative),” the Post noted. “They’ve sucked up vast sums of ‘contributions’ from some of the most unsavory folks on the planet, including Nigerian dictators and Kazakhstani despots,” it adds.



