Three dirty doctors CAUGHT selling prescriptions to drug dealers and addicts for millions of dollars


Federal prosecutors say that three doctors at a now-closed clinic in Philadelphia that specialized in assisting drug addicts actually sold them some $5 million worth of prescription medications.

As reported by The Associated Press, the federal indictment alleges that the physicians sold prescriptions for controlled substances to drug dealers and addicts for cash, all while performing little or no treatment for the addicts, as required by law. So in essence, they, too, became little more than drug dealers.

The AP noted further:

The indictment says nearly 1,000 patients visited the National Association for Substance Abuse-Prevention Treatment clinic each month.

Seventy-eighty-year-old Dr. Alan Summers, 63-year-old Dr. Azad Khan and 79-year-old Dr. Keyhosrow Parsia are charged with distribution of controlled substances, conspiracy to distribute controlled substance, health-care fraud and money laundering.

An attorney for Summers told The Philadelphia Inquirer that the treatment was “completely appropriate,” the AP noted.

What’s the difference?

What these physicians allegedly did is no different than what the medical industry essentially teaches and requires of all its health care providers – push pills and vaccines first and foremost (because obviously there is more profit in doing so) than in using holistic and alternative methods to treat illness.

That includes drugging toddlers with mind-altering psychotropic medications. As we reported in December 2015, more than a million kids under the age of five were on such medications:

Toddlers as young as 18-months-old are being treated like experimental rats, drugged up with some of the most brain-damaging, life-altering psychotic pills. These are the kinds of pills that cause wild delusions, aggressive impulses, erratic behavior, or in some cases, cause violent and suicidal thoughts. Why do parents, doctors, psychologists and neurologists continue to disregard these appalling side effects?

As long ago as 2008 Natural News founder and editor Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, reported that the medical industry was tied to Big Pharma as a pushing of all kinds of potentially harmful vaccines:

The American Academy of Pediatrics, a group of drug-pushing doctors that claim to care for children, is now demanding that parents get their children injected with an annual flu shot vaccine even for six-month-old babies! According to the new AAP guidelines, all children from six months to eighteen years old should receive an annual flu shot vaccine injection even though flu shots have been scientifically shown to be effective on only about one percent of those receiving them!

More than half are taking five medications each

And in 2012 we noted that a scientific study by Michigan State University actually found that Big Pharma pushed doctors and other primary care providers to over prescribe medications (which boosted profits):

Consider these statistics: Almost half of all Americans are currently diagnosed with a chronic condition and 40 percent of those older than 60 taking five or more medications. Is it really possible that many people in the U.S. have illnesses that need to be treated with multiple drugs?

The study, led by Dr. Linda M. Hunt, Ph.D., examined the dramatic increases in the diagnoses of common, chronic conditions and the use of medications to treat these problems. Specifically, she analyzed two conditions that can often be relieved simply by altering one’s lifestyle – type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure – that were treated in 44 primary care clinics.

Her team interviewed 58 clinicians and 70 of their patients, while observing 107 clinical consultations in order to gauge the doctors’ treatment strategies and factors that influenced their treatment decisions.

They found that physicians generally prescribed two or more medications, and more than half of the patients examined were taking five or more prescription drugs. Interviews also showed that the cost of the drugs was very often a financial hardship and that patients were often made sicker due to side affects that were adverse.
