If vaccines are safe, why has the US gov. paid out $3 BILLION to vaccine-injured families?


Americans are constantly told that “vaccines are safe” and that anyone who says otherwise is a kook, a crackpot, or someone trying to sell something on the Internet.

If anyone is “selling” something, it’s the vaccine pushers – they’re selling a lie.

Not many people know this, but the federal government long ago established a fund specifically for paying out claims to people and families whose loved ones were injured by vaccines. In fact, to date, the government has paid out more than $3 billion in vaccine injury claims since the fund was established in 1986.

As reported by NaturalNews, the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, or VAERS, lists a number of negative outcomes due to vaccines, and many of the side effects are actually much worse than the diseases that the vaccines are supposed to protect against.

VAERS reported in 2015, for instance, that the MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine is “linked to febrile seizures, which are a type of seizure that occurs in infants and young children in association with a fever.” Those fevers are generally very high – like above 101 degrees Fahrenheit. And while these seizures don’t normally cause long-term issues, they are nonetheless frightening to parents and can injure the child.

What’s more, VAERS reports that a large group of vaccines including MMR, varicella, zoster, influenza, hepatitis B, meningococcal, and tetanus are “linked to anaphylaxis,” a type of shock that can lead to sudden death. And naturally, many of these cases go under-reported by officialdom and the vaccine makers, or they are deemed as Sudden Infant Death Syndrome deaths.

As NaturalNews reported further:

What no one completely understands is how the overload of vaccinations in the 21st century is a contributing factor to the rise of autism spectrum diagnoses (which is now a greater problem than the diseases we are trying to fight).

Woven into the discussion of vaccines and vaccine overload/frequency is the rising incidence of autism, and while that debate largely rages on the sidelines and under the radar, the U.S. Vaccine Court, also established in 1986, has awarded a number of families large cash settlements after confirming that their children likely did become autistic after a regimen of vaccines.

This kangaroo vaccine court gives the makers of vaccine and Big Pharma in general absolute immunity from being prosecuted for the effects of their products. The government instead handles the cases for them and essentially pays claimants off in a way that really circumvents the true intent of the judicial system. Anyone who’s followed the vaccine/autism/injury debate for any length of time knows that.


