Liberal media narrative crumbles as Orlando shooter turns out to be GAY


The plot thickens as Sitora Yusify, the ex-wife of Omar Mateen, has revealed that the Muslim terrorist responsible for the Orlando nightclub shooting had “gay tendencies.”

Yusify, who was married to Mateen for three months in 2009, claims that Mateen frequented Pulse, the gay club where he would eventually massacre dozens of innocent people. A former classmate of Mateen’s corroborates these claims, stating that he and Mateen would go out to gay bars — including Pulse — when they were in school together. Once, according to the source, Mateen asked him out “romantically.” Even a local drag queen, Chris Callen, stated that Mateen was a regular at the club, and had been for “at least three years.”

Based on this evidence, it seems as though Mateen was a self-loathing gay man whose radical religious views caused him to slaughter those who represented everything he wished he could be: an out gay man who wasn’t ashamed of his sexuality.

It’s a fair assessment that Mateen’s sexuality played an important part in his decision to commit the act of terrorism on Sunday morning, but there’s no doubt that his commitment to radical Islam led to his decision. It wasn’t his gayness that caused this: it was his religion.

Even more curiously than Mateen being closeted, Yusify claims that the FBI asked her not to mention any of this to American media outlets.

Why? What are they trying to hide? The FBI’s involvement in not just this case, but other cases involving radical Islam, has been extremely suspicious. But what is it about Mateen’s “gay tendencies” that the FBI so desperately wants to cover up?

There’s clearly something going on here, and the American people — especially those close to the victims in Orlando — deserve to know the truth.

