Psychotronic weapons in the Caribbean can force victims to commit suicide


An ex employee with the Dominican directed energy directorate (INFOTEP) in charge of creating the country’s psychotronic weapons has disclosed that she was a victim of the technology which she helped devise.

A psychotronic weapon is a mind control device, which enables the user to torture another person, keep tabs on their movements and control the substrate of their thoughts.

As Abreu Report explained: “Today, thousands of INFOTEP-trained agents are deployed throughout the Caribbean, primarily working in tourist resorts, where much like an intelligence agency hacking cell phones, the brain of foreign targets is treated as nothing more than a technical objective to be completed.”

Victim of her own weapons

A former INFOTEP employee told Abreu Report anonymously that she was a victim of the same weapons she helped create.

“We often experimented on ourselves, there really were no ethical boundaries,” the ex government employee noted. “The President was afraid of us, we literally wrote our own checks,” she added.

Ms. Bisono (not her real name) added she eventually quit INFOTEP because she felt her health was being jeopardized by the weapons around her.

Abreu Report notes:

“I wasn’t the only one in the office who felt like her brain was cooking. I can’t even go into detail about the weapons we had in the office. Before the PHaSr was the size of a rifle, we could place a device with similar capabilities in the trunk of a car, with the tail-lights emitting a laser that led the victim to commit suicide,” she explained.

“I know of at least 10 people who committed suicide after our van got parked outside of their house, but we don’t need a vehicle that big today.”

“The government has heavily invested in drones, and a psychotronic device can be mounted thereon. We tested it in Haiti and even had success in leading a general to commit suicide there. It was after that death that I decided to call it quits. It was one thing to target people who had actually threatened the stability of the Republic, but I couldn’t be part of that, of killing a fellow Catholic general who wasn’t our enemy.”

Microwave system blankets entire country

Whenever Ms. Bisono was asked about how many deaths she could verify that were conducted by INFOTEP, she stated: “At least two dozen, mostly politicians and journalists who represented a threat to the government of Balaguer. Since Balaguer we are less active, but it was Doctor Balaguer who instigated most of the attacks, he was absolutely obsessed, to him voodoo was a dangerous science which needed to be cracked and weaponized. The man was obsessed.”

“But the main thing the government developed was microwave weapons; the entire country was blanketed with a microwave system,” she addded.

Whenever the interviewer asked Ms. Bisono if she could go into the specifics of the government’s microwave system, she declined on the grounds that it was “above her paygrade.”

Adding that “the country’s goal of getting more tourists than citizens will be met, people don’t know how they’re being targeted with these microwave weapons, they activate the addiction parts of the brain.”

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