Sharia Law in London? Ads showing ‘bikini body’ should be BANNED from public, says newly elected Muslim mayor

Are You Beach Body Ready?

Some of you may be familiar with Protein World thanks to a controversial billboard advertisement they released late last year that asks passerbys if they “are beach body ready.” The source of the controversy, though, is the image that accompanies that slogan: a fit woman in a swimsuit. Given the fact that they are a fitness company, it only makes sense that they are using a woman in tip-top shape to promote their products.

That’s how good marketing works.

And still, the completely harmless advertisement is considered “body-shaming” by the lunatics on the Regressive Left. If you actually took the time to decipher the complaints of the low-self-esteem-having crybabies that screech incessantly about how harmful everything is, you would think that the billboards were coming to life and physically attacking people.

Now it seems as though the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has banned the advertisement from appearing in London subways. He claims that, “As the father of two teenage girls, I am extremely concerned about this kind of advertising which can demean people, particularly women, and make them ashamed of their bodies. It is high time it came to an end.”

Considering the fact that Khan is a Muslim, along with the tame nature of the ad — especially in regards to today’s standards — it feels a lot more like the subtle implementation of Sharia Law in the Western World than it does an attempt to protect young women from the hurtful image of a healthy woman’s body. Taking into account Islam’s sordid history of oppressing women, it’s a bit strange that Khan suddenly seems to have so much respect for us.

So much respect that he feels the need to protect us from benign advertisements that aren’t threatening or offensive in the slightest. Because that’s what we need to be afraid of in today’s world…

