Believe us now? Alternative Media foretold of Police state militarization

Police State

Your local police used to be called “Peace Officers,” whose main duty was to keep the peace. But today, the War on Terror has expanded. Current enemies include folks that store gold and food, don’t trust the government, are returning from war, believe the 2nd Amendment is a good idea and Constitutional liberty and freedom should remain intact.

Police are called into schools where first graders share Bible verses or use their fingers as toy guns. As insane as this may sound, it’s actually worse. Many alternative media outlets like Freedom Outpost,,, The Rutherford Institute and Natural News have reported the rise of the paramilitary police state for years. To be ignorant about the massive amount of weaponry that has been transferred from the illegal murderous battlegrounds of Iraq and Afghanistan to your local Sheriff’s department, you would have had to be living under a bridge. Or maybe you got your news from the mainstream propaganda channels like CNN and NBC. If so, it’s past time to wake up.

Ferguson, Missouri was an alarm for some, but the Boston Bomber lockdown was the year before, remember?

Flashback to August of 2014. Michael Brown’s death triggered an outcry that turned into a war zone in Ferguson, Missouri. At that time, Natural News reported that the police looked more like “soldiers of war” with MRAPS (mine resistant ambush protected) — those million-dollar price tag vehicles used in the Iraq War — along with “automatic weapons, desert camouflage uniforms, Darth Vader-like masks, grenades, laser sniper sights and more.” We’re a million miles away from the water cannons and Vietnam-era bayonet rifles that faced down the rioters in Watts, California in 1965.

Watts riots, 1965 (16)

Yes, indeed. America has become a battlefield in the war on terror. On April 13, 2015, following the explosions during the Boston Marathon, the entire city of Watertown, Massachusetts was subject to full blown paramilitary lockdown. The entire city — including main street businesses — was swallowed up and shut down within hours. It was an astonishing, horrifying scene. SWAT teams had full military gear on with M-16s locked and loaded.

Police and military were joined in arms, shouting, screaming and terrorizing innocent civilians, neighborhood by neighborhood, block by block and door to door as they brashly demanded warrant-less searches as they sought the two brothers who were already determined as guilty — Tamarlen and Dzhokhar Tsarsnaev. Or were they? On a side note, all that lockdown didn’t help find Dzokhar; a local citizen did.

You might not see it in your town yet, but the police state is here in America.

Places as remote as Fargo, North Dakota, according to an investigative report in 2011 by The Daily Beast, have “military-style assault rifles” in every police squad car and have been provided a  “$256,643 armored truck.” This same report detailed a “$300,000 pilotless surveillance drone, like those used to hunt down al Qaeda terrorists in the remote tribal regions of Pakistan and Afghanistan” put in the coffers of the Sheriff’s department in Montgomery, Texas.

Drone targets are not metadata collected by the NSA. You hold it in your hand. It’s your SIM card.

Where is the oversight and debate? This horrifying increase in power, weapons and authority brandished about in these incidents and many others not covered by mainstream media is history repeating itself . . . the rise of authoritarianism and the fascist police state. Do you believe us now? The alternative media is still trying to warn you. Rise from your sleep, America.

