EU hoping to force people into paying social security taxes on their household robots… because they’re ‘electronic persons’


Where do we draw the line on what makes a human?

In an age where identifying as something that doesn’t match your biological makeup is commonplace, there’s a lot of debate over what truly defines a living being. Is gender real? Are we born with certain gender roles? We could go on for hours listing all of the pseudo-scientific questions that liberals have about biology. Now that same conversation has transitioned over to robots, or “electronic persons” as they are likely to be referred to in the very near future by the Regressive Left.

Like the plot of a Philip K. Dick novel, the European Union could soon adopt a draft plan that labels robots as “electronic persons” and forces their human owners to pay social security for them. No, seriously. Instead of attempting to prevent a potential artificial intelligence takeover, the European Union is more concerned about making sure the robots aren’t misgendered while squeezing dollar after dollar out of their owners’ pockets. Making sure not to hurt their nonexistent feelings is a priority here.

Above all, this seems like yet another absurd reason for the government to strong-arm money out of its citizens, as the idea of having to pay social security for a nonliving object is absolutely ridiculous. That’s like forcing people to pay social security for the video games they play since there are lots of “electronic persons” living within the confines of a PlayStation 4. Hopefully the government doesn’t get any radical ideas on that end…

Sometimes, it truly feels like we’re living in the horrific society of a science fiction movie. Here’s hoping it’s more Short Circuit and less Terminator 2.




The Verge