Obamacare is unaffordable on purpose; it was conceived as a political weapon of economic destruction


In early 2016, Dr. Ezekiel “Zeke” Emanuel accepted a part time position in a venture capital firm that invests heavily in the healthcare sector. ‘Ole Zeke told Fortune Magazine, “I want to pursue my passion, which is to improve the healthcare system. I want to improve the quality and consistency, and get the care costs under control, and, in some cases, actually reduced.” It’s too bad Dr. Emanuel didn’t feel that way when he was the primary architect of Obamacare, bringing body blows of financial loss and health destruction to even the strongest “Si Si Puede!” believer. But then again, Zeke also has publicly declared he doesn’t want to live after 75, cause life just isn’t worth living much longer than 75. In 2014, “Zeke” recommended that people skip their annual exam, cause it will save the system money and those yearly cavity searches, conversations and diagnostic tests aren’t really that important in the long run. It makes sense that Emanuel is a member of the Council of Foreign Relations and a former bio-ethicist at the National Institute of Health (NIH.) Oh, yeah, his younger brother Rahm was Obama’s chief of Staff and is now the beleaguered Mayor of Chicago.

Obamacare for all! Eugenics for most! Debtor’s Prison for many!

Three years ago, when insurance cancellation calls began to terrorize those who had believed if they liked their plan they could keep their plan, the Health Ranger Mike Adams was calling out Obamacare as a weapon of mass destruction. He was right on target. Natural News reported then that the uncertainty, cancellations, loss of doctors, higher deductibles and way higher premiums were just beginning. And the whole roll out was really a planned implosion, “designed as a political weapon to destroy private sector jobs, so that more people would become dependent on government entitlements, food stamps and welfare programs.”

Remember the web site debacle? A complete failure.

It hurts to remember the ineptitude of such mammoth proportions. The web site brought the lunacy to the forefront while the cancellations continued. People were trapped inbetween without coverage.  According to an article in Forbes, those involved in creating this Obamanation knew darn well that 50 – 75 % of insured folks were going to lose coverage from their current plan. Add that to those falsehoods told concerning affordability. Or the benefits of insurance exchanges. And how the private sector would easily adjust. How many lies and failures comprised Obamacare? Probably too many to count. On purpose?

Do you pay the IRS fine?  Go into debt paying premiums? Go off the radar? Just eat right?

Families experiences with higher deductibles, sky rocketing premiums and the difficulty to even utilize the Affordable Care Act (ACA) are heart rendering. Investigative reporter Sheryl Attikkson shares these woes and testimonies in her Obamacare fails section. Whether it’s a plan cancellation, 300% higher premiums, fewer doctors or outrageous deductibles, Ms. Attikkson believes that Healthcare.gov is all built on a myth. And that  Americans have to buy “real insurance” from this myth under “force of law.”

History has a way of repeating itself when a nation forgets history

Has Obamacare been a test to measure the resolve of the American people? How many millions no longer recognize the template of history, the sordid details of the how and why peoples and nations are drawn, quartered and conquered? There’s more concern about micro aggressions and politically correct ways to describe gender rather than deal with the exposed roots of totalitarianism. Like the IRS being armed with $11 million worth of guns and military style equipment.  Now that’s historical.








