Stupid European liberals think ‘Don’t grope me’ wristbands can stop rapists… just like gun-free zones can stop terrorists

gun free zone

Nobody has worse solutions to acts of violence than liberals. For a group of people who seem generally anti-religion, they certainly spend a lot of time praying that nothing bad will happen whilst doing nothing to actually prevent something bad from happening.

If you thought their attempt to ban guns in order to prevent gun violence from criminals was idiotic, just wait until you hear their solution to preventing Swedish women from being raped by refugees. It’s remarkable in its stupidity.

Instead of promoting some legitimate form of self-defense, police in Sweden are now handing out wristbands that read “POLICEAVSPÄRRAT #tafsainte,” which translates to “Police cordon, don’t grope” in English. Yes, their solution to a shocking number of attacks involving sexual assault and rape is to politely inform criminals that they don’t want to be groped. I’m sure that’ll stop them…

Police Chief Dan Eliasson stated, “By wearing these wristbands, young women will be able to make a stand. No one should have to accept sexual molestation. So do not grope. And if you are groped, report it to the police.” It’s baffling. How anyone could believe this is beyond understanding. The delusion of liberals seems to know no limits.

Then again, these are the same people who believe that establishing areas as gun-free zones prevents mass shootings from taking place. Liberals have this absurd faith in criminals that is completely unjustified. Expecting criminals to draw the line at an obnoxious sign or a stupid wristband is beyond delusional. This kind of behavior is going to get innocent people killed.

It can’t be stated enough — we need to address the fact that these events have nothing to do with firearms and everything to do with those who are attacking. Political correctness got us all into this mess and if we don’t actively combat it, political correctness is going to get us all killed.



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