Strict political correctness leading to book-burning and history-rewriting as SJWs continue to suppress free speech

Book Burning

Free speech is one of the most important rights that the American people have. There’s a reason, after all, that free speech is covered in the Fist Amendment of the United States Constitution. The Founding Fathers were well aware of just how important it is to be able to speak your mind — and deliver honest statements — without having to worry about censorship from the powers that be.

And yet, over 200 years since the country’s birth, the Regressive Left is constantly fighting to silence those they disagree with by using controversial buzz words like “racist,” “sexist,” and “homophobe.” Now they’re trying to censor classic films like Gone with the Wind and wipe any evidence of the Confederate Flag off the map. They’re rewriting history to fit their wacky agenda — and the results are unsettling.

Pretending that they’re suppressing “hate speech,” these leftist lunatics have completely missed the point of free speech. If you’re only in support of people whose political and social ideologies you agree with having the right to express themselves, then you’re decidedly anti-free speech. This is not up for debate. It is a completely cut-and-dry issue. If you believe in free speech, then you have to believe in free speech for everyone — regardless of how much you personally disagree with their views. In that regard, there should be no caveats.

If these lunatics continue their censorship tirade, we could be heading towards a cultural apocalypse where nothing is allowed to be spoken, written or published without the consent of the liberal overlords. We have to nip this problem in the bud immediately before we’re all forced to suffer the consequences. If you appreciate American values — especially the fact that everyone in our country is allowed to speak freely and express themselves however they please — then it’s time to stand up to these ridiculous, fascist ideals that the leftists continue to shove down our throats.

