Facebook used by jihadis to easily sell weapons with far less scrutiny than legal American gun owners

Al Qaeda

At this point, it seems as though leftists are willing to admit that they simply don’t want Americans to have the right to bear arms. For years and years they claimed that they didn’t want to take away your guns, but instead enforce “common sense” gun reform.

These days, many of them are just straight up asking for the federal government to trample all over the United States Constitution and disarm America. They have fortunately yet to succeed, but that hasn’t stopped them from trying over and over again. Leftists all over the country are fighting to keep guns out of the hands of American citizens in order to shove their agendas down our throats.

Look no further than Facebook, whose liberal insanity has gotten consistently worse over the past few months. What began with censoring conservative hashtags and deleting Facebook groups of those who criticized Islam has now led to them preventing American gun owners from legally selling guns through their website — while ignoring jihadi terrorists that are doing the same thing.

If that isn’t a disgusting double standard, then what is?

Terrorist organizations that are associated with ISIS have been selling thousands of dollars worth of illegal firearms through Facebook and the company has had nothing to say about it. They’ve done nothing to prevent these people from obtaining weapons — weapons that they intend to murder people with.

That’s perfectly acceptable in the eyes of Mark Zuckerberg and the leftist lunatics he employs.

When it comes to terrorists, I suppose violently murdering innocent people is part of “their culture” and the poor liberals don’t want to offend them by criticizing that decision, but give me a break. This is purely for political and financial gain, and Facebook is betraying the citizens of the United States through behavior such as this.

We’re at the start of a major culture war in America. It’s time to get ready for the inevitable — because it’s coming sooner rather than later.



